Monday, 14 March 2016

First of the Month Fiction - April

As I mentioned, the blog will shut down for 6 weeks while I take a break (to do all good things, never fear!!) This First of the Month fiction will remain open all that time, and I'll try to promote it when I'm in the country.

For the newbies, write a 100 word story exactly, or one less than 30 words - and it in the comments below, then link your blog so we can see your verbose work.

Mine is of the 30 words this time:

A simple text message would have made all the difference, yet still it was not forthcoming, and so her loneliness in his complacency grew.

(I'm cheating this time. This is the start of something else but I have no ideas as to where to go with it. Why is he complacent? What is their relationship? I think I want to do a brother/sister thing but then where does that go?)

Happy Holidays to you all, if indeed you are having holidays, and see you on the flipside, 1st of May!


  1. Happy holidays!!! Enjoy those six weeks off. I can't wait to hear about what you got up to. Love the fiction too. Why is he so complacent? Hmmm ... #teamIBOT

  2. You scared me!! I actually had to look up today's date. I was like "April already?" It's OK. I'm awake now. I get it.

    OK. I wasn't ready for this but ... under 30 words.

    She looked through the window at the grey rainy world. As the plane broke through the clouds she found her blue sky. Yes. It’s there if you reach for it.

    1. PS Happy Holidays! "Ya'll come back now ..."

    2. I will! I just wanted to take the pressure off me - I've still so much to do in the organising of the Robotics team to the Hawaiian regional and then I'm off to Vietnam 3 days later with the fam. Just need to get a BAS done and all the kids sorted, and then I'm fine!! ARGH!

    3. Robotics, Hawaiian? Dude! That sounds so cool ...

  3. He didn't see why it couldn't work. They were together every day, when she came to clean out his enclosure and deliver his food. She always stopped to give him a hug.

    I call this one Love in Captivity: the Unrequited Love of Jimbo the Gorilla.

  4. Enjoy your well deserved break lovely. I will be here waiting when you get back.

  5. For that short fifteen minutes they had incredible joy. Then their world came crashing down around them. So much to take in, such a short space of time. What next?

    PS Enjoy your break!

    1. Ha! Was just about to delete your linked blog cos this hadn't laptop is being very difficult. Thanks for joining!

    2. Thanks for not deleting me Lydia! Without realising it these 4 sentences are actually the start of a book I am going to write about a friend of mine ...

      Have a great break!

  6. Mmmm... I like this. So many places to go with this one. And enjoy your six weeks!

  7. Oh I like that too. I think you need to explore it.
    This bit is from an idea that's been floating around my head but I haven't had a chance to write.

    'He's been waiting for you,' the nurse said.
    I could see that. Her pointless comment irritated me, but instead of saying so I said nothing and pushed past her.
    He looked up when I reached him. Recognition crept into his eyes over long moments. Too long.
    He tried to form words, but he couldn't. His mouth transformed into a terrifying grimace that I knew to be a smile.
    I said nothing -- what was there to say? -- but unlocked the wheelchair and pushed it outside under the trees, and there I lit him a cigarette and held it while he inhaled.

    1. That's great - I thought it was going to be a baby at first...

  8. I'm going to have to go back and read what you're up to cos I'm very much out of the loop Lydia. Blogging has taken a bit of a backseat for me lately and I've really only engaged in a book blogging linkup thing... writing and reading little else.

    I'm trying to rediscover my blogging mojo though....

  9. Enjoy your break - looking forward to hearing all about it... And what happens next in this story! The possibilities are endless!

  10. He had long, dark eyelashes, covering contemptuous eyes. She was always getting things wrong. Her own eyelashes - light and blunt, downcast as she steadied herself to enter the room.

    1. That's great (and he's mean.)
      Are you on twitter? I like to give shout outs to those that join in but I'm not sure if you're the KittyBlack on twitter?
      (Also i can't comment on your blog?? Tho sometimes it's just my end.)

  11. Have a great break. Stopping by from #MummyMondays

  12. Enjoy your break! Maybe some more short story inspiration or haunted jaunts?

    Really enjoy your short stories and the ones added by others too :)

  13. The TV sat behind Perspex suspended from the ceiling by a black pole layered with dust. It was colour, but only just. More purple than green these days. As old as the room it was in was the in-joke.

    “He’s been doing it all day!!”
    “Chewy on your boot!!”
    “Forward pass!!”
    “Where’s ya guide dog ref??”

    Another raucous Saturday afternoon in the Melody Purvis Recreation Room. This was the sole domain of Mrs Mavis Sturgess, and Nurse Whitfield (short straw drawn). Barely spoke a word all week, dementia had taken care of that, but Saturday was her day.

  14. Enjoy your holiday and you break away from the blog Lydia!

  15. Okay, no excuses! I'm going to participate this month! I shall return with my 100 words!
