Saturday, 26 November 2016

In the pink

I'm a little out of sorts today, but not for any reason - in fact I've been busy catching up with family and had an easy weekend, and came second in the family Putt Putt tournament (previously unheard of!). Yet, still tired and a little meh.

So instead of talking about loving life, I'll just share some pretty pink cakes I saw and the morning light on my walk to the Tramsheds. Sometimes that has to be enough.

I also read this quote on twitter that I was quite taken with. 'When everything seems to be going against you - remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it' Henry Ford.

Are you loving life this week? Do share the good news!

Linking with #FridayPhoto


  1. I'm having a great Monday because I have told myself that feeling crappy because of Mondayitis is no way to spend 1/7th of my life so I'm working hard on not letting being at work get me down.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely photos and I hope you have a wonderful day !!! xox

  2. Love the hello kitty treats! Yummy!

  3. Hope the tide turns for you and tomorrow you feel fantabulous!
    Thanks for linking up at

  4. The pink cakes are really cute. Congratulations on the mini golf; did you get a trophy or a medal :)

  5. I also like those pink cakes I want some heheh! nice photos :-)

  6. Like the pink cakes and the landscape shot. Hope your days you posted were happier.

  7. Love the quote. Or you can just eat pink cake x
    Good job on the putt putt!

  8. Those look yummy! Though I probably would have bought a cake to eat... cake makes everything better, right?

  9. Looking forward to a Thursday off, multi-tasking some writing time with getting the grey out of my hair, & doing some emergency triage on what's left of my toenails after Milford (eeew) so I can pop my feet into sandals for tomorrow nights Xmas party without scaring people off.

  10. What a lovely that morning light!

  11. Those cakes look amazing... the colour makes them look almost plastic?! As you know I've been a bit meh as well. Well, yesterday I was meh. I think I was okay the day before and I feel better today. It's a reminder for me that 'happiness' as such is fleeting. Hopefully I'm feeling more contented so even when feeling 'meh' I can reocgnise it's temporary. #orsomething

    1. I'm okay if I know there's nothing causing it (like a real problem), then I know it's tiredness, hormones or something that will pass...

  12. Those cakes look literally unreal!!

  13. Those cakes look so YUM! I think we are all a bit meh this time of year. I am tired and worn out and in need of a holiday. Just as well I am sailing off on a cruise in 4 days then! #TeamLovinLife

  14. Love the Henry Ford quote Lydia. Hope things are soon going your way! :) #TeamLovinLife

  15. Ohh I love the cakes, they are like little edible works of art


  16. That Henry Ford quote is the best!!!!
    And the cakes look divine. Totally worthy of a Lovin Life post.

  17. you sure have a great day..those cakes are sooo yum ..
