Thursday, 27 February 2020

Sydney's Mardi Gras

For the last three weeks, Sydney has been awash with rainbows. Whether you participate or not, it has made the weekly shopping excursions a little more uplifting and the city feels a little kinder and more inclusive.

As I said earlier in an insta-post, if you are dealing with big emotions or fears, you only need to take one step at a time, in your own time but ALWAYS take PRIDE in yourself.

In the 21st century, it seems odd (and frankly depressing) to me that this is still a thing that even needs discussion any more than being left handed. However, not wanting to straight-splain being gay, I'll keep my mouth shut, and remind you there are allies everywhere and wish you all a Happy Mardi Gras!

Linking with #WordlessWednesday #MCOW #MySundayBest #WWOAT #Thrumylens #GlobalBlogging

PS I know I'm technically cheating with the Elton John Laneway at The Grounds but it still works so....
PPS I know I've shared it before, but if you're wondering how to react to someone coming out to you, the end of this song nails it perfectly.


  1. What a grand, colorful celebration!

  2. Definitely colorful!

    I'm so happy to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  3. I love all the flashy colors! So fun! The pole with all the lights is my favorite!

  4. This is too cool! Such fun, and glittery and ONE BIG PARTY! You ROCK! Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. It's certainly colourful, energetic and joyful, Lydia!
    Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  6. I'm a little bit confused about the connection between Mardi Gras and Gay Pride? Is there a connection? I'm not very clued up on either (as you can probably tell), sorry. Maybe it's just in Sydney that the two events coinside..? Either way, very cheerful colours x #GlobalBlogging

  7. So much bright colour, a beautiful experience. Thanks for sharing with us at #globalblogging
