Thursday, 26 March 2020


While I haven't been actively hoarding, and thank you people who have now created a normal where I can only get 2 chicken breasts for 6 people at a time, it appears subconsciously, I have. Not toilet paper, not meat, and not tins. Chocolate.

The weird thing is, I'm not a big chocolate eater. I like spearment leaves, Jujy fruits and Ginger Kisses. The chocolate seems to get purchased and then left in the cupboard....I guess for times like this. Who knew a secret chocolate stash would come in handy?

May you discover a supply of what you need in these strange days. Be it love, communication or merely chocolate.

Stay safe everyone.

Also Wayside Chapel is struggling to stay open and keep helping the homeless and those in desperate situations. Please donate if you can.

Linking with #LovingLifeLinky

My Random Musings


  1. If you have a choccy stash in your home, I’m coming to raid it!!!

  2. Where do you live? It is a pity we are in lock down otherwise I'd be popping over for some Chocolate. I do love Chocolate coated Ginger. Stay healthy and enjoy your chocolate #lifethisweek

  3. I'm not really a chocolate fan - although am partial to the occasional square of good chocolate. I did, however, find a stash of crystallised ginger in the cupboard that I'd obviously bought for some recipe or another.

    1. Ginger is the bomb! I've decided (not a dr, mind you) that I need to have tonnes of garlic, ginger and tumeric. So think of the Ginger as health food to ward off the virus (note, I repeat, not medically sound advice, just what I'm saying)

    2. I'd agree with that - we eat a lot of all 3 & thankfully ginger grows like weeds up here so we get it super young and super fresh.

  4. I'm the opposite. I've never been into most other lollies but only chocolate. Sadly I'm incapable of hoarding chocolate cos I just eat it. So my hoarding period is very brief. Here one day and gone the next!

    I've been inadvertently hoarding weird things that I hadn't realised I kept buying. Like long life milk. And that's weird as I don't actually like / drink milk... but I seem to have 5 x 1 litre things in my cupboard!

    1. I was doing that with Oil last year because my husband kept moving it so I kept thinking we'd finished it and would buy more. We had abut 5 bottles - which I ended up donating to a truck collecting pasta meal ingredients for an evacuation centre, as they'd listed olive oil as one of the things they were collecting

  5. I always have a chocolate stash which I say is for baking but really it's for every day deliciousness! Although the meat and toilet aisles are sadly lacking, I draw comfort on the fact that the chocolate aisle is always fully stocked! Laughs outside, I don't know how large families are managing what with the food restrictions on tinned and frozen goods and the general lack of stock. If only people started thinking about we rather than me!

  6. I always have a stash of chocolate. Nothing fancy. And just enough to make sure I get a little every day.

    SSG xxx

  7. I'd much rather have a stash of chocolate than toilet paper! #Lifethisweek

  8. ...all of this about toilet paper makes my head spin. Stay safe and enjoy your chocolate.

  9. there are worst things in life than tins of chocolate - enjoy it

  10. I own up. I have two bars of Whole Nut chocolate in the fridge for a rainy day. Comfort food for strange times.

  11. Chocolate does look good. I have some, for my kids - Easter coming up.

  12. I certainly never had a problem finding chocolate in the supermarket aisles when I took the photos for the blog was the no flour, no sugar and other items no...(we already assume no loo paper) that keeps me puzzled.

    Thank you for linking up for Life This Week. Next week, the optional prompt is 14/51 Self-Care Stories #2. 6.4.2020 and I hope to see you link up then too. Denyse.

  13. I have some chocolate in my cupboard that I bought before the pandemic. #lovin'lifelinky

  14. I'm a bit the same, I'd go for almost anything sweet before chocolate. But at the moment? Well, let's just say luckily Tim Tams are in good supply out there. Haha.

  15. Who can resist a bit bof chocolate? Not me#anythinggoes@_karendennis

  16. Chocolate is the best, dark chocolate even better!

  17. My hubby is a chocolate hoarder. He has a stash of buttercream Easter eggs in the cupboard right now! :)

  18. I used to be able to hoard chocolate. I was that kid who kept her Easter eggs for months. But now I'm addicted to sugar, there is no way chocolate stays in my house for long.

  19. Vitamin C(hocolate)* might be a vital necessity in stressful times for some of us. *also not real medical advice ;)j).
