Monday 23 January 2023

Share Four Somethings - January

Lucky people of Perth (or if heading to Perth between now and September) quickly book your tickets to this magnificent exhibition heading your way. Sold out in Melbourne so don't miss your chance! Website and tickets here. (below is my throwback to when I was lucky enough to see it!)

I feel like I've been away from the blog since forever. I will admit it's been a struggle to even come back at keep those expectations low!

Am very happy, however to have a Share Four Somethings to come back to, so thank you for taking over the mantle as new host.

Something I’m Loving My Christmas present was a quick overnight visit to Melbourne to see the fabulous Grace Petrie as I was in Bali for her Sydney gig (a five minute walk from my house!). To be honest, I really needed the break from looking after everyone. It was wonderful to not have to fill my headspace with other people's wants and needs. I made the most of every moment! One of the things I saw was Time:Rone in the disused part of Flinders Street Station. It is exquisite. If you are in Melbourne, book tickets. It was sold out for the whole of Jan (but I'd booked my ticket in December so I was part of the problem!). It's open until April and you can buy tickets here. You will need at least an hour so if you are in Melbourne for work, go to one of the slots after you clock off. It made me quite emotional, and was so hauntingly beautiful it moved me to tears. Honestly, I can't describe it to do it justice. It's delightful, clever and extraordinary.

Something I’m Reading
I just finished Uncultured by Daniella Mestyanek Young. It's an autobiography of a woman who grew up in the Children of God cult, and then joins the army. It's similar in some ways to Educated by Westover but this one is more graphic in the abuse and judgement, and then goes on to show the impact on the person, and how a lot of the abuses are replicated in the army. In some ways I found the military part more eye openning than the cult part, because you assume one would be like that but not the other. I found it very interesting, so would recommend if you liked Educated. But the gloves are off and it's not an easy read at times. 

Something I’m Learning I've just been told about these Shark Deterrents - I'm learning about how they work, as I don't quite understand how they give an electromagnetic field if they don't operate with a battery. Surfer friends had them, and I was considering them for my scuba diving husband. I'm still reading the research, and yet to purchase, this is more an fyi than an ad.

Something I’m Eating  My favourite restuarant in Bali* is Cuca. The chef, Kevin Cherkas, has worked in El Bulli, Azark and Daniel, the Michelin three star restaurants. The food, while magnificent, is fun. The degustation menu is amazing but also a joyous and relaxed experience. Due to our cancelled boat voyage, we ended up with more time in the villa walking distance from the restaurant, so we not only went for the planned degustation dinner but returned for lunch twice to order all the items we hadn't eaten on the menu. It did not disappoint. I can not recommend this enough. Even the youngest loved it - she opted for the kids 'build your burger' without the meat - even she wanted to return. No matter where you stay in Bali, you want to make the trip to Jimbaran for it. There's no view but it's in a garden oasis and the food is the best thing you'll eat on the island! Make sure you order an oyster on top of the degustation because the pearls are amazing - a sort of lemon and vinegar burst. 

There's even a kids games area if you are there for lunch...I was taken with the Pachinko board (My teen wasn't interested in the play area but this big kid was! Ha!) It's degustation and sophisticated but relaxed and enjoyable at the same time. And if nothing else, go for the best lobster rolls (sorry Supernormal) you've ever had.

Book to avoid disappointment, though we did just walk in for lunch, so you could always try your luck.

Lastly, I'll leave you with a cheery song from Grace Petrie. She'll be back in Australia for the Blue Mountain Folk Festival - and I'll be keeping my eyes out for any other gigs and she's so wonderful live! Don't miss her! 

Linking with #MuralMondays 


  1. Lydia, my blogging has also been erratic since the holidays. Your post is full of happy events and travels, delicious meals, a good book and an amazing exhibit. It sounds like you're having a wonderful time so continue to enjoy!

  2. Hi Lydia - wow that Time:Rone looks great! Those typewriters are familiar. I imagine the way it's displayed with cobwebs etc would be quite haunting and emotional. I'd never heard of Grace Petrie but had a listen and she's good! I've never been to Bali but my daughter went with a few friends just after Christmas and seemed to enjoy it! I've only just returned to my blog after a break too. I think we all need a good break at times!

  3. Hi Lydia sometimes we just need a break from blogging. I enjoyed your post reading about shark deterents which would maybe encourage me to go into the surf LOL :) The Time:Rone looks very interesting. We visited Bali back in 1995 so I'm sure much has changed in that time. Enjoy!

    1. Like Singapore it's always changing (probably like Sydney too, but we don't notice when we're in it...)

  4. My sister saw the Rone exhibition and loved it too, she couldn't speak highly enough about it so you're not alone in words not doing it justice. Lots of happiness in your four somethings :)

    1. It's magnificent. Really made me emotional. Remarkable.

  5. Hi Lydia - lovely to see you back and I always enjoy your 4 somethings. My husband bought a Sharkbanz to use when he goes surfing. They have very good reviews and the research behind them seems sound. I figure anything that helps keep him safe is worth investing in. There hasn't been anything else that either of us have found in the last 40 years that seemed any good (other than this).

    1. Scuba diving husband just wenmt bananas because you want to be close to sharks when you dive. So just offered to lend it to an ocean swiming friend and I will borrow back when I paddle I still need a Velentine's Day idea!! I did notice the WA govt researched it...

  6. I hope you'll continue with your posts, because there are very special. I like the idea of 'four something'. So nice! And the images have a 'something' I like, in different ways. Thank you for your entrance in the game.
    Happy WW! Inpirations in what you want to do!😘❤️

  7. Pleased I'm not the only one struggling to get back to blogging! Looks like you've been busy in the best way - time spent eating and adventuring is always time well spent!

  8. Good to have you back...words and pics is what you shared and that's what my linky is about. You did seem (via IG) to be away from home for much of the Dec-Jan time...and that's your fave thing to do, I know.... Thank you for your post this week shared on Wednesday’s Words and Pics. I am grateful for your support. I hope to see you next week too. Denyse.

  9. I loved Educated so I just added that book to my list! It sounds like a fun month for sure with some wonderful travel!

  10. I love the images against the old rooms, cobwebs and furniture. Beautiful but a bit eerie as well.

  11. I completely feel you about struggling to get back into the blogging groove - I've been blogging inconsistently for a few months now and it's quite frustrating. I'm so happy though that you spent your time well.

  12. Wow, those pearls. I learned to type on those manual kinds of typewriters years ago in business class in high school. Karen #Weekendcoffeeshare

  13. I think that Pachinko looks like fun.

  14. Welcome back to blogging and thank you for your weekend coffee share. The Time: Rone exhibits looks impressive.

  15. Welcome back to blogging. I have had a long period of inconsistency. I'm just now getting back into the swing of becoming dedicated consistently. I have gained my love of blogging back thanks to some fellow bloggers deciding to join me on this journey.

    #DreamTeam #bloggersconnecting

  16. Seeing those typewriters brought back memorues of using cprrection gluide to hide mistakes#dreamteam

  17. Hope everything is ok with you. I feel like my blog is going through the motions a bit! Love the first pics of the exhibition, very striking. Thanks for linking up with #dreamteam

    1. I was just on school holidays! All good here.

  18. Hi Lydia and welcome back after the holidays! It looks like you've been having a blast. That restaurant looks great, and loving that they have a kids play area too. Interesting about the shark deterrent. Do they actually work? Thank you for sharing your four somethings with the #DreamTeam xx

  19. Welcome back, Lydia. A wonderful post with great shots! Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  20. Hi Lydia, I visited Melbourne when I was in Australia. My purpose was to meet the great photographer, Leanne Cole, a blogging friend of mine. Your post brought back some great memories even though I didn't get to attend the event you described. I love your spidery classroom pictures. :)

  21. It's nice to "meet" you Lydia. I'm joining you from the other side of the world. You shared some gorgeous murals. I love the one in the tunnel. What amazing art. Simply beautiful.

  22. Time Rone is absolutely amazing. Interesting to read his opinions

  23. Rone is a great artist, I've seen some of his murals here in Western Australia. What I pity I didn't know about this restaurant when we visited Bali in December.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Lydia.
