Monday, 10 June 2013

Sing, Sing a Song

When I was a kid, there was a famous Carpenters song that got hijacked by Sesame Street (I was a little kid, my world view was Sesame Street). I loved this song and used to sing along with joy.
Fast forward, and a friend has invited me to a song night - yep, you guessed it, where you pick a song and get up and sing it, in front of an audience. The theme is Happy.

Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong

I listen to a lot of foreign language music, or hip hop - so while there is a lot of songs that make me happy, no one will know them. I dug around in the recesses of my brain and found some songs from the '60's and 70's - Rock the Boat, Iko Iko, Hi Ho Silver Lining and Spirit in the Sky.

Sing of good things not bad
Sing of happy not sad

The problem is, I can't sing in key. And I'm painfully shy (as you've all heard *yawn*).

Sing, sing a song
Make it simple to last
Your whole life long

So, as a Torshlusspanik challenge, I am going with one of my favourite songs - that is WAY too fast for me to sing, but I figure I either sing out of key or rap badly, so same-same for the listener, and at least I'm doing a song I really want to do. I'll be performing on the 14th, live from Radio City Music Hall (well, actually from an undisclosed destination in Sydney), nominated for the Grammy for Best Song in 2012, Otis....obviously I won't be winning the Grammy for Best Rap Performance like they did.

Don't worry that it's not
Good enough for anyone
Else to hear
Just sing, sing a song

As a little old white lady, it's safe to say I'll be oozing no level of cool. I will however, be providing much amusement and a HUGE challenge for me. I also drop out that N word, which makes it very hard to keep up with the line (all about the flow, peeps) so I need to practice. My poor kids are already sick of it, as everytime we get in the car, I give it another shot....

So, in keeping with the 'go hard or go home' purpose of Torshlusspanik, the list now stands:

Torshlusspanik List:
1. Shooting (check)
2. Fencing (check)
3. Play croquet at Croquet Club
4. Laser skeet
5. Off road buggy driving
6. Play Assassins Creed
7. Jetpacking (check)
8. The Color Run (check)
9. Invent something
10. Cooking Masterclass (check)
11. Master a Masterclass (check)

12. Perform a rap song
You can stop laughing now.

La la la la la
La la la la la la... 
PS The Star has a karaoke night - maybe I'll take it on the road and win myself $500... I said stop laughing now. I can hear you.

What song would you choose for your Happy sing-a-long?

Linking up for IBOT with EssentiallyJess - See who else swung by.


  1. That there is a pretty impressive list, good on you! Sibng a happy song? Perhaps Joy to the World! #teamIBOT

  2. I'm presuming you mean Big Chill Style? Not the Hymn?

  3. Man that is good. I remember doing a community college singing course and had to get up in front of everyone at the end of the short course. I was terrified, but I got through it.
    Good luck, let your hair down and enjoy it!
    Becc @ Take Charge Now

    1. yes, may need a few drinks. I'm working on the theory I'll be distracted by trying to get the words out quickly & correctly, so I won't worry that I look and sound like a git.

  4. I love that song Lydia. We had it on a small vinyl record as kids and I heard it on the girls' Sesame Street DVD a few months back. I think it's timeless. :)

    1. yes, the Carpenters song is. Me singing Otis, probably isn't. Tho Kanye features in the Great Gatsby, so how cool am I now??

  5. Good luck for the singing night out! I have never sung publicy - too shy - too scared. But I think if you go through with it you'll be glad you did!

    1. I have to go thru with it now - once I put it out there, there's no backing down

  6. I love that song! As soon as I saw the title of your post, I started singing it. If I was with you, I'd get up and join in! :)

    1. Except I'm singing a completely different song - I sing too out of key to sing that song...

  7. Oh I'd HATE to sing in public - knowing I can't carry a tune either - kareoke is my WORST nightmare. Have to say Iko Iko is prob my happy song - it's pretty fun. As Twitchy said - bloody impressive list! :)

  8. Iko Iko is a cheering song (though it seems to be about burning flags??)

  9. I love "Sing, Sing a Song". I used to sing it with my cat - seriously! At the end of each line she would "miaow". It was so darn cute!

    1. That is cute! I hope you video'd it? That's an award winning trick for sure!

  10. Love that you keep checking those things on your list and $500 - anything is worth a try for that! good on you!

    1. That's what I think. Maybe I go on a night when no one talented goes and I win for being humorous. We'll see...

  11. Very impressive list! I wold love to do the Color Run. Funnily, my go to happy song is also by the Carpenters "Top of The World". I used to sing it in Japan for karaoke all the time. The Japanese love it, "I'm on top of za waaa-ruudo! Rookin' down on ku-liiiashion"

  12. I used to play that song on my electric keyboard when I was a 12-year-old wannabe rockstar!
    My voice is best left for the shower! Em x

  13. lol good luck. i am tone deaf but do love to sing - love most of what you listed lol

  14. Kokomo!!!!! The 14th… this is tomorrow… and it's in Sydney. Ooooooh what I'd give to witness this auspicious occasion. GO GIRL! (I want a report please).

  15. Thanks for the Sing, sing a song ear worm ............ not !!!! LOL
    I haven't heard that song for years and years and years - it brought back some great memories of my Gran and I sitting in the loungeroom singing it together !!
    Have the best day !

  16. WHAT? You blogged about a Carpenters song? I thought I was the only one who did that!! And how did I miss this post...

    I think I need to get out more...
