Monday, 24 October 2016

Conversations with Belief

I have written before on self doubt and how what holds us back more than anything else is usually ourselves. We set up all the obstacles in our path before we even try. Sometimes we never even make the phone call, submit the story or ask the question. We pre-empt the negative response and defeat instead of asking 'why not me?'

There is a wonderful little poem by Walter D. Wintle called the The Man Who Thinks He Can. It opens with the wisdom:
"If you think you are beaten, you are;If you think you dare not, you don't."
and then ends with the line:
"sooner or later the man who wins
Is the one who thinks he can!"

This week, I offer you a challenge. Attempt everything, say yes to everything, make the call and submit the article. Anytime you think there's no point, it's a waste of time, just do it anyway. When a doubt creeps in, think of Kanye. (Stop laughing, I love Kanye.) His self belief is what has made him what he is today - not just a musician but a leading fashion designer (if financial success if a measure of judgment). He seems to be able to decide what he wants to do and make it happen. He summed it up:

 “I always felt like I could do anything. That’s the main thing people are controlled by! Thoughts- their perception of themselves! They're slowed down by their perception of themselves. If you're taught you can’t do anything, you won’t do anything. I was taught I could do everything".

This week, believe in yourself 100%. Don't take no for an answer. Push forward with the expectation of success. Let's see where that gets us.

Linking with a very hurried Conversations over Coffee on Belief. #MummyMondays, #FortheloveofBlog and #KALCOLS


  1. Does the 'say yes to anything' call to action include cake??? I still have trouble seeing Kanye as inspirational but I get your point. Great words.

    1. Kanye would totally approve of yes to cake.

  2. Great post Lydia. I wrote on my little work whiteboard yesterday - 1 client. This meant my goal was to get one more client by the end of the week. It is now Tuesday afternoon and I think I have that 1 extra client. yeah me. #teamIBOT

  3. LOVE this! I'm a roller coaster of yes I can and there's no chance I will lately - but I keep pushing through and more often than not the yes I can is winning - and you know what? Everything feels better, everything flows better when that voice wins. Thank you as always for linking up to #convocoffee and thank you for being the reason #convocoffee came back to life this year xx

  4. I think you're spot on with that Kanye gem. He does seem to come out with some gems in between all the strange rantings lol.

  5. Thanks for this booster. My CV is ready for me to look for my first new job in 17 years but I have avoided the cover letter and held myself back on dropping it in to my favourite art store where I chatted with the owner about possible holiday hirings!! Will finish it tonight xxx

    1. You absolutely have it! Walk in there and hand it over. They want you! How could they not?

  6. Perfect timing, I just said yes to giving a speech to 100 grade 8 girls about blogging! x

  7. Here here to that! It's so true that sometimes we're our own worst enemies aren't we? I've been putting off a load of stuff recently and you've reminded me that it's easier to just get on and do it rather than waste time and energy thinking about it and getting to the end of each day with it still on my list! #stayclassymama (topfivemum)

  8. Life lessons from Kanye, who would have thought?! He's right though, and so are you. Here's to more yes, and I'm hoping that includes cake :)

  9. Belief is in the top four requirements for success (as far as my own personal formula is concerned). Joy + Belief + Commitment + Action is my success formula. "You'll achieve it when you believe it".

  10. Ok will do and I am going to start by saying yes to an ice cream.

  11. so inspiring. This post has come at just the the right time for me. This week I did have a few moments where I felt like giving up, so reading this encourages me to keep going. Thank you! #fortheloveofBLOG

  12. This is so completely true! I know I am my own worst enemy. Take NaNoWriMo for example I only found out about it recently so I have already decided I will fail because I can't possibly get organised enough to start tomorrow! When in truth I absolutely could I am looking for an excuse. I am going to try really hard to put the doubt out of my mind and get it done. Thanks for the kick up the butt reminder to get out of my own way.

  13. Good advice. I keep trying to do stuff and it failing so it's hard to ever believe it will work. But you're very right! #KCACOLS

  14. Timely post! I just started my next writing course and while I'm excited, I'm also a tad nervous. But I'm going to give it my 100%! Glad this post reminded me to do so as well :)

  15. I love this! This has really inspired me today and I am going to believe in myself 100%. I really needed this I'm so glad you shared, definitely my favourite post from you ; ). Thanks again for sharing with #StayClassyMama!

  16. Very inspirational. Thanks for linking up to #KCACOLS Hope to see you back next Sunday!

    Nadia - Scandimummy x

  17. Great positive attitude! I definitely need to believe in myself more x #KCACOLS

  18. I love how inspirational this post is. Not sure I could say yes to absolutely everything though (like when my pre-schooler asks if he can have cake for breakfast!) lol #KCACOLS

  19. Haha! Yes to thinking like Kayne! Although maybe a little less rude than he can be sometimes!

    Great post!

