Monday, 9 April 2018

Try a little kindness...

I've been irritated this week by the pissiness of people on Facebook. There's are really nasty side to the 'humour' there. We worry at the bullying of children on Social Media, yet adults rarely hold up a good example to follow.

It started for me when a public page had a Seinfeld reference to the whole cast hating the actress playing Susan, so they killed her off. Imagine how that actress must feel? Almost two decades later people are still making fun of her. I had heard this story before, and it still made me uncomfortable.

I often think of those videos posted where people make fun of someone dancing. As someone who goes to concerts by myself quite a bit, I'm waiting for my image to appear. I have a good time, so I don't care how I look, but I still wouldn't want it to become a viral meme.

People make fun of strangers appearance, of their clothes, of their weight. The list is endless, mercilessly mocking them for their difference.

We all have something in our appearance that isn't perfect. We all have something people could tear apart if they chose to. So why do we think it's okay to do to others? Why do old people not know better? How can we say 'don't bully kids online' when we do the same? A 13 year old girl was charged with her Snapchat bullying in Cairns this week. This will be the first of many. I think that's a discussion we need to have with our kids. And I think next time we see the image of the fat person eating, or the bad dancer, or the 'man' in a dress, maybe we need to think before we mock. Maybe we need to call out the person who posted it as the dickhead they are.

Linking with #KCACOLS #FortheloveofBLOG #StayClassyMama #Dreamteam #GlobalBlogging & #TwinklyTuesday

PS. When calling out the Seinfeld meme, I received the random response 'Delete the internet if you don't like it'. I think I'll just continue to call it out, thanks.


  1. I totally agree! We need to be role models for our children and demonstrate the behaviours we are wanting them to adopt. Being a social media bully is not necessary nor funny! Be kind!

  2. I often look at what adults say online and completely understand why some kids think it is ok to be completely rude.

  3. I saw the Seinfeld thing as well and cringed. I never understood the judging of others for things like dancing or outfits either. We are all so different so of course we will have different tastes and abilities. Let's just stop picking on each other

  4. I totally agree. It's all about leading by example. This reminds me a bit of when my mum used to tell me "if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all." These days I feel we have to add, "if you wouldn't say it in real life and face to face, don't say it at all." If we spent as much time building each other up as we do knocking each other down, the world would be a much better place.

  5. I guess in the olden pre-social media days people gossiped and talked about others at work, over the back fence and at school.
    Now, everyone who has a keyboard and an account on SM can say whatever they like. It is as if they have no idea 'real people' are there and have 'real feelings.'
    It is a sad state for sure.
    Thank you for the reminder. Denyse x

  6. I soo agree people seem to forget they are people with feelings and emotions and not objects. great post #dreamteam

  7. I agree with everything you're saying and it's important to look at the parents and how not being able to step back and look at behaviour or admit you could be making other choices causes a great deal of harm.
    It's also important to teach kids to stick up for themselves while giving them a moral center but unfortunately it's easier to go along with the crowd and how many adults do the right thing?
    I think of that model who posted a photo she took of an older lady getting dressed in a gym locker room. I think the poster was in her early or mid 20s, old enough to know better and if there hadn't been a backlash she would have kept doing the same sort of thing.
    When we teach our kids they don't have to be accountable because they're special, it makes for a bad adult and so it goes.
    I could go on and on but I'm thankful my parents taught us not to mindlessly go along with the crowd and to walk in someone elses shoes. These two things alone would wipe out bullying.

  8. Perfectly said. I have often thought the same. Sometimes, I just have to get off the social sites for a bit, and one reason I like still having a blog. People are genuinely nice in their comments. Have a great week.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  9. I couldn't agree more! I am actually frightened of the digital world we are bringing our children up in. I will continue to teach them to treat others how they would like to be treated themselves, and hope they don't grow into the kind of "adults" you mention above. #fortheloveofBLOG

  10. It's so true. Adults need to lead by example, and as a society we're not doing a great job of that. Good for you for calling out the dickheads - we need more of that!

  11. I think it is such a sad world we live in where unkind words can be spread around in a matter of minutes. I am scared for my children growing up at this time. I think we have a duty to be compassionate and thoughtful: just because we have the right to say something doesn't mean we should. Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging

  12. You have hit the nail on the head!!! #globalblogging

  13. This is such a thought provoking post. I really don’t understand why people do such things, sickens me. Thanks for linking up with #DreamTeam

  14. Apparently globally we are logging into Facebook less and less, perhaps the tide is finally turning? It would be no bad thing for grown up and kids #KCACOLS

  15. This is so spot-on! It's such a sad, sad world we live in.
    Social media has unleashed unlimited freedom and power for haters, trolls, bullies, bigots, extremists ... who delight in spewing evil, venom and hate as these cowards find it easier to say things like that behind the anonymity of a computer.


  16. So many people treat social media as though it's not 'real' somehow, and it doesn't matter what they say because it's 'only' online. Words are words though, no matter how you deliver them. x #KCACOLS

  17. I totally agree that we could all do with a bit more kindness. People can be so mean online, because they feel safe behind their keyboard. Thanks for sharing with #fortheloveofBLOG

  18. I heard about that Seinfeld meme - how awful. Everyone loves a good meme but hurting someone like that is a such a cruel blow!! Poor Susan! #teamIBOT

  19. You are absolutely right. We need to set a good example for the younger generation to follow. I too find it awful and it makes me sad. Thank you for sharing with #stayclassymama

  20. I am in full support of you and your approach! Kill 'em with kindness. This world lacks empathy. It will be our downfall. #KCACOLS xoxo

  21. You've got a very good point. I won't pretend that I don't share or like these things but you're right, maybe I'm no better than them... And I do dread the social media days and our 8yo. #kcacols
