Saturday 15 June 2024

“In nature, every distraction is an inspiration.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

I was visiting my sister in hospital, and we became distracted by a mother and daughter feeding the birds.

It was a sweet way for a parent to engage with her teenage child who was having a difficult time.

A simple way to enjoy being together without touching on any triggers.

Feeding the birds was also nourising their relationship.

Maybe we all need to think about how we feed our birds?

Linking with #AwwMondays #WildBirdWednesday #AwwMondays #GardenAffair #SaturdayCritters #NaturesNotes #HappyNow
JENerally Informed


  1. Hi….. I’m sorry to hear that your sister is in the hospital and that I hope that she is well very soon. This is a wonderful example of how nature can help sooth people and it is a lovely observation. Thank you for sharing with Nature Notes….Michelle

  2. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your sister, Lydia. Sometimes the simplest things will breach huge gaps and bring people together. my Mosaic Monday entry:
    Nick from MAP

  3. Dear Lydia, I hope your sister will soon be well again!
    I would also like to be distracted by these beautiful birds... Animals can have a very therapeutic effect - my daughter trained in animal-assisted education in 2017, and when I worked (with creative activities such as pottery) with a boy who was thrown back into a wheelchair after a stroke during chemotherapy (temporarily, luckily!) I experienced how good the horse riding therapy was for him.
    I'm glad that you liked Marja's poem about the colors of old age as much as I did - and that it even gave you an aha moment... :-)
    Hugs, all the best and have a good week, Traude
    PS: Unfortunately I couldn't find a linky in your previous post...

  4. Sorry to hear that your sister is in the hospital. The birds are very pretty! Have a good week.

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog!

    I am also sorry to hear your sister is in the hospital, I pray she gets better soon.

    Feeding your birds is a good metaphor to think about. We all need to nurture something in ourselves.

    You were wondering, I believe, about Carl. He is a special needs adult who can drive and hold down a job rounding up the buggies at a store, but he has many challenges and cannot live by himself. His parents have me come clean his studio apartment, attached to their house, once a week. We all love him dearly and he is quite a character, his special needs and abilities make it interesting to be around him.

  6. How sweet! One of our local nursing homes has feeders set up outside, and it makes for a focal point outside of what's going on in the building and why the residents are there.

  7. Those are such lovely birds too! I hope your sister is feeling better soon.

  8. I haven't seen those birds here yet but we do have a grey male cockatiel that's a pet.

  9. Just seeing those Rainbow Lorikeets evokes fond memories of my visit to Australia - already six years ago.

  10. I just love these colorful birds, very pretty Lorikeets. Great photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  11. We stopped feeding our birds because it attracted other critters, and just have a birdbath the birds sometimes visit when the neighbor cat isn't around.

  12. Feeding those beauties would certainly brighten my day -- even seeing your pictures does!

  13. I hope your sister gets well soon. She's in my prayers.

    Awww on the beautiful birds. So colorful.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  14. I wish speedy recovery for your sister , I loved the colorful parakeets. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  15. How colourful, all I see here are dull gulls and grey pigeons.

    I wish your sister well, Lydia.

  16. Hope your sister improves steadily. Aloha friend

  17. How's your sister doing?

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥
