Monday, 30 July 2018

When FOMO turns bad...

My partner is going to the Tokyo Marathon, which means we have to take the kids out of school, so the holiday has a time restriction on it.

Friends have loved Hiroshima, and the guide book makes it sound enchanting, so I was trying to squeeze that in as well as Kyoto and Hakone. However everything comes at cost, both in time and money. I just don't seem to be able to make it work with enough time in each place. I feel pressured that I'm missing out.

I have decided this morning to ditch it but I feel a loss (of what I may never get to see) and that I'm 'missing out'.  This is ridiculous, as I know it's better to do less well than to feel I've missed out on 3 destinations instead of being content with two.

I have spent literally about 10 hours playing around with flights and trains to make it work, but it's actually just the time that is the problem. In the time I've spent and still not actually booked anything, I could have booked the whole trip, including the hotels.

My FOMO usually works in a very positive way, and I feel I've sucked the marrow out of life, but this time it's made me feel anxious and bad about something that, let's face it; is a major luxury. My husband says 'We'll go back!' but my brain says "What if we don't? What if this is it?" and that's the bit I need to learn to ignore. Sometimes what we get has to be enough, because it's more than what we had before.

Any Japan tips welcome.

Do you have FOMO? Is it the good kind or does it mess you around negatively? Are you good at realistic expectations and reigning yourself in?


  1. How annoying! Channel that FOMO into making sure you get back there!

  2. I feel ya! The thing is with holiday planning that in trying to squeeze in so much, it's not a holiday at all. I think it's better to do 2 places rather than 3, and then you'll have something to look forward to for next time. Because I always like to think there is a next time. We're desperate to go to Japan - hopefully next year - so I'll be keen for all your top tips!

  3. Reigning it in seems to be the way to go so that you have a great experience and there's something left for the next time - makes a wonderful reason to go back.

  4. When I am working from home - which is every day LOL, I hate it when I have to move from work to do other things that never seem to get the result I want and take all my time.

  5. I believe that you will work it all out. You are made for this kind of decision-making! Go girl...not everything can be planned in such fine detail but there will be benefits to this trip that may be canNOT be planned! Let it unfold. Denyse x

  6. Haha - I actually had to look up FOMO to see what it stands for lol! Anyway, I try hard to always look at what we can have or do and ignore anything we can't have or do. Looking at all the positives of what we will be having or doing really helps with turning off the FOMO #TwinklyTuesday

  7. Sometimes you can only do what you can do and you never know what is around the corner X #stayclassymama

  8. Do what you can, and try as hard as you can to be present... Its the only way to get over the hump of negative FOMO... #stayclassymama good luck atthe marathon ! xoxo

  9. Oh I know exactly how that feels! I think I've felt that on every trip I've ever planned, but in the end we've still had a great time. I just try to focus on the stuff we do get to do, rather than the stuff we don't :)

  10. Oh how disappointing. There's nothing worse then FOMO but hopefully you'll make it work and get back there one day. Thanks for linking up #twinklytuesday

  11. A second trip can be planned! With more time so that you don't have to rush. Thanks for linking up with #stayclassymama

  12. I have to say I would be exactly the same. I hope you do enjoy it though and fingers crossed you will go back again. Thank you for linking up to #stayclassymama
