Wednesday 28 August 2024

Festival of Dangerous Ideas


Last weekend was the Festival of Dangerous Ideas (FODI) and I spent the weekend at Carriageworks with freinds coming and going to meet me in talks on all different subjects from race, politics, women's healh, masculinity, war and social media and depression. There was even one on dangerous ideas themselves.

(I didn't agree with every speaker but even seeing a very slick manipulation of the argument was an interesting experience, and how easy it is to be tricked with 'data')

I really love FODI. It's always interesting and makes me think. There is always something that surprises me about me. Last time there was the tattoos - I had to talk to everyone that was trying to get one and everyone that got one - I needed to see what they got and how they felt about it. People were amzingly open to talling strangers why they wanted one. (You went into a lottery every hour and if you were picked, then you had a quick few minutes chatting to the famous LA tattoo artist and then stuck your arm in ahole in the wall while he did a tattoo of his choosing).As a clean skin myself, I was amazed at how into this idea I was, for other people and how it connected the audience. We literally cheered for a guy who'd been trying to get one all weekend when he was finally picked.

This FODI they extended out to the stacks of the State Library of NSW. Ir was great to see history of dangerous ideas in real life.

I've spent the days after the festival thinking about the ideas and talking about what as disussed with friends.

Now I just have to wait until next year!



  1. The festival sounds interesting. I would not be getting in on the tattoo lottery. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Dear Lydia,
    The title of the festival alone is wonderfully crazy. And the car with the corpse (?) at the end of your post also looks very weird, too. I can well imagine that this festival will give rise to some discussion and thoughts about one's own (perhaps entrenched) opinions.
    Thank you for your comment on the last NZ post. The bull seal was definitely YAWNing. He had been dozing and probably heard us (even though we were very quiet), so he took a look at us to see if we could be a threat to him or his harem. Then he saw that we were harmless, yawned and lay down in the sand again 😊...
    Hugs and all the best, Traude

  3. We love such events too. But now it's actually to hot for this. Now, we prefer the garden, sitting in the shadow.

    Have a wonderful week.

  4. This festival idea sounds a bit strange...but it seems to be very interesting.
    All the best and have a good time

  5. ...a Festival of Dangerous Ideas seems intriguing. Thanks for hosting and have a Spectacular September.

  6. Well, Lydia, dangerous ideas presupposes that people actually think, which is an interesting proposition in itself, nowadays... Joshing, but I've been very exasperated with some people lately! Thanks for hosting. I hope the wild weather we've been experiencing down South has not been so bad in Sydney.

  7. Sounds like a great and interesting festival. I would love to go to that. Very nice.

  8. This looks a fabulous and interesting festival. What a wonderful name. How could you resist? The dark side of me loves the car with the corpse on board.

  9. I think I saw David Baddiel was there. Sounds like a really interesting event. Even though I have a couple of tattoos and want one more, I don't know if I'd be brave enough for the tattoo lottery! Do you know what tattoo the guy who finally won got?! I'm invested now!

  10. The beauty of living where you do is so good for your access to all kinds of culture in different spaces in Sydney and I am glad you can and get to share them with us. Denyse #TeamWWWhimsy

  11. How interesting does this sound Lydia, you always seem to have wonderful events to attend! #TeamWWWhimsy

  12. Hi Lydia, I have never heard of this festival before in my life! It does sound interesting but I would not be one wanting a tattoo. I don't have any and don't plan on ever having any. You are such an education with all these cultural events you go to! Hope you're having a great week & thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy xo

  13. Hi Lydia I always look forward to your posts to see what you've been up to. I love your openness to life and this festival proves that. Keep being you and bringing different ideas and ways to enjoy our lives. #TeamWhimsy

  14. Dangerous ideas indeed! Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.
