Saturday 24 August 2024

Share Four Somethings - August

Four months to go until the end of the year. That seems crazy. So needless to say I feel this month has flown by. 

Things I've loved and/or disliked
I went to the FODI tour of the State Library and one of the things they showed us were these books that were games popular in the 1930's. They reminded me of my #Storyprompts that I put up on Twitter and Insta from time to time. I love this idea, and I love that it's something that'sbeen going on for centurites (or a century at least!). We all think we're unique but we are really more often than not, the same.

I also loved that the stained glass at the library was supplied by O'Brien's glass, a company still around today - associated with windscreens. I feel they made a smart pivot in the last 100 years...

Lastly, this is my new favourite song! I'm loving how happy it is.

Things I've accomplished Oooh. Not a lot. Due to health issues I've been off booze for 95 days, so if I was in AA, I'd have my first chip. I've actually broken it this weekend, as i did my bloods on Friday and see the Doctor Monday (I'm mature, I know) - not in a big way as at lectures all weekend but I have had my beloved negroni both days.

Some things need improvement Focus. I ham just not getting all my work or asks done,

Linking with #WOYP

Things I've noticed I saw Roxanne Gay at the Writers festival at Town hall and it was almost all women. I saw her at Fodi and the audience had a lot of men in it. So men are more interested in Dangerous Ideas than literature, or the Inner West makes everything appealing. (This is just a joke but it was a notable difference in the audience demographic).

Linking with #TforTuesday (Negroni Sunday really!)  #ShareFourSomethings #SeniorSalonPitstop

The Rising Sun photos are just because I had a great ramen there and it made me happy. We'd not been for literally years. I've no idea why.


  1. The negroni cocktail must have been popular when I was a child: equal parts of gin, vermouth and Campari. I would like to check with my beloved late parents whose best decades were the 1950s and early 60s.

  2. A very nice building and I can definitely appreciate the old vintage sign - love it.

  3. I am sure your library tour was interesting. Funnily enough, that's what I just blogged about too.
    I hope you enjoyed your drink after all that time.

  4. Wow, you are staying busy and keeping active and have an inquiring mind. Congrats on staying off alcohol for so long. I like it myself so I don't skip too many days except two years ago when I had covid, alcohol did not appeal to me at all back then.

  5. Dear Lydia, I like the almost symmetrical photo of the library very much.
    In order to finally lose a bit of weight again, I didn't drink any alcohol in July. That only resulted in 0.8 kg in a whole month ☹️. In August there were a few more alcoholic days 😉
    Could you let your linkup "photos over 2 years old" run for a few days longer? I'm always too late...
    All the best, Traude

    1. ok,. I'll add an extra day (Sunday - Wednesday). I'm strugglingkeeping up with comments tho already! As man people are becoming increasingly aware of!

  6. Oh I just loved stained glass windows but it does seem like something only associated with older buildings now. Good for you for giving up alcohol for so long for your health; I hope it helped and that the sacrifice was worth it.

  7. Four really interesting somethings, the State Library sounds like a great place to visit. I've reduced my alcohol consumption by drinking more O% wines, beers and sprits! They're not like the real thing but I think it's worth it.

  8. Thank you for popping over and for participating and sharing at SSPS 325 and sharing the SSPS pic. See you again next week at #326
    Please do not forget to come and join each W-S #WordlessWednesday (Words Welcome)

  9. I like those photos of the old books and the views of the library. A really interesting four somethings! Hope that giving up the alcohol for the sake of your health really pays off and that you have a great September!

  10. What a fun and interesting post. That library is stunning. Your four somethings are fun to read and I was taken by the fact we only have four more months in 2024. Giving up your beloved negroni for 95 days is impressive. Great photo,. though and perfect for T this week, dear Lydia.

    Got the dreaded "Failed to Publish," but will keep trying till blogger takes my comment.

  11. Hi, Lydia - This post resonanted with me from start to finish. It's so true that we are often more the same with others past and present than we realize. And I love that Melbourne Beats music. That would be perfect to workout to - sooo uplifting!
    Thank you for linking up with us at #What'sOnYourPlate. It is greatly appreciated!
