Friday 28 April 2023

“Where there's music there can be no evil.” - Don Quixote

I went to the ballet. This is a big stretch for me. I've been once before. I went to the Three Musketeers, because I love the book. I have no ability to judge or process it. They looked good, but who knows whether they were? I kept waiting for them to talk, which was funny.

This time it was Don Quixote. I adore that book (Edith Grossman translation for anyone that wants to read it - it's brilliant, very Monty Python). So when a friend suggested it, I accepted.  I got dressed up and as I moved through the casual comedy crowd in the other theatre, I felt I was in the wrong crowd - I was not where I belonged. I began to wonder if I'd made a huge mistake....

It was the closing night and the alumni was invited as it's the 60th birthday of the Australian Ballet. They stood up and we all applauded and I felt I was visiting a subcluture to which I wasn't part of. A stranger visiting a strange land.

The ballet itself was a reinactment of the 1973 Rudolph Nureyev film that threw international attention on the fledgling Australian Ballet Company. It was magnificent. Great direction with film morphing into real life on stage. Funny and colourful, a gorgeous spectacular. Instead of being bored as anticipated, I was laughing and clapping along with everyone else. It was delightful. I still felt like an out of place child in a room full of sophisticated grown ups, but I didn't mind. The ignorant amongst the educated, but I still enjoyed it on my more basic level.

Rocinante was a giant puppet and of course my favourite. When Don Quixote first rode onto the stage on his back, the whole audience cheered. In the curtin call, he was the scene stealer for me (you know me and puppets!). 

I was so glad I went, and it's not something I ever would have done if not prompted by someone else.

It was a good reminder, as Don Quixote said “Thou hast seen nothing yet.”  

Linking with #HappyTuesday #TravelTuesday #ThruMyLens #FriendshipFriday #WWandP 
#WednesdayAroundtheWorld  #SundayBest #WBOYC #YourMoment

Wednesday 26 April 2023

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” ― Charles Bowden

Only a few weeks ago I was starting the morning with beachside yoga and while I was determined to keep it up when I got back, without the beach part, that has unsurprisingly failed. 

I really do need to work on the stretches though. As we head into colder weather, these beach pictures make me smile wistfully, for the season just gone....

My Random Musings

Sunday 23 April 2023

Share Four Somethings - April

Something I'm Loving:
 Live Music. I had such a good time at Bluesfest, and not ready to let it go I've been to a few gigs since. I really loved seeing the different offerings and styles. Last night we went to Claire's Kitchen for a dinner and show. For $100 you get three courses of food of a very good standard, not the normal dinner & show meal. Lovely setting, and intimate performance. I think I have a break for a week but then another gig. I am however at the Ballet this week, which is something I don't normally do.

As an aside, there are plenty of live clips on my Insta of music now (given my stills are so terrible! Ha!)

If music, singing and dance isn't the quickest way to make lift your soul, I don't know what is. 

Something I'm Reading: A text from a doctor that instead of saying 'It's all good, don't worry about it' read that I have 'an ill-defined area of fatty echogenic change...[that] possibly relates to a fat necrosis'.... Seriously medicial terminology is designed to make you feel bad! Why would you call it that?

Something I'm Learning: I did learn of the Erfurt latrine disaster. It appears to be true, as I found mention of it in a Cambridge University Press book. History is just the weirdest thing ever. Not for the weak stomachs so I've linked to the Wiki page if you're interested. 

Something I'm Eating: We went to Pilu on the weekend and as always the food (& views) were spectacular. Everything about it was sublime, except me being me, ate too much and made myself feel sick. My very boring plant forward cholesterol diet is turning me vegetarian and causing me trouble with all the foods I loved...cheese, crackling, too much seafood....stupid old age, stupid health....

But it was a really lovely afternoon with longtime friends, so all in all a perfect day.

All in all a very good, if not weird, month so I'll keep smiling....

That's all from me and my big fat necrosis.

Linking with #ShareFourSomethings #Dreamteam #FriendshipFriday #WWandP #WednesdayAroundtheWorld #MCoW #Bluemonday for the last pic


Thursday 20 April 2023

"The details are not the details. They make the design. " Charles Eames


Walking through Launceston and I stumbled across this park. Just outside the conservatory there was this beautiful garden with a jumble of flowers, appearing as if in a 'wild jumble'. Howver, on closer inspection, they were planted in rows of colour and type. 

On even closer inspection, they were a detailed, symetrical pattern. Almost hard to believe they were a flower created naturally.

I guess the lesson is sometimes you have to look closer to really see what's going on.
Linking with #WWandP

(Cos it makes me think of your Mandelas)

Wednesday 19 April 2023

What's on my bookshelf - April

 I was off at Bluesfest and then down to Bluesfest - my reading and audiobook listening is at a standstill.

I had got this book in the book advent calender and thought it would be a good junk beach read. And it is. But it's also got a little more too it. It has lots of ideas hidden in the laughs.

How women are wired to make themselves small and apologise for things that aren't their fault, not acuase a scene and so on. Body issues. Sex (there is a lot of sex - weirdly untittilating sex, just words of sex so if that is shocking, along with a lot of swearing, it may not be your thing).

Set in the music industry of the 90's, or music magazine industry of that time, there's a lot of nostalgia for me too. 

She does at time have a beautiful turn of phrase - my favourite being that 'A book is a beautiful, paper which to store ideas'.

I've ordered her other books so I guess that's a sign of how much I like it, and a copy for a friend as a gift.

Very short and sweet for me in the book stakes. Hope to get my head and foucs in order soon.

Linking with #FriendshipFriday #MonthlyBookworms and #WOYBS

My Random Musings

Tuesday 18 April 2023

“Birds chirping around you is a beautiful realization that life is incredibly good. Let this sound be a gentle break in your routine.” ― Hiral Nagda

While walking around Launceston, I tried to take bird shots. Alas, all the really scenic ones are blurry. These were the best, but not so good. I was aiming at sunrise for these birds in flight with their reflection in the still water, but none worked out. However, it was fun trying. 

Sunday 16 April 2023

The sad truth of growing up

I know this will come to no surprise, but I think we live life wrong. As kids the world is full of endless possibility and the smallest new thing is exciting. Even hearing that ice cream van in the distance would fill you with joy. Maybe it would come to your street? Maybe, for once, your mum would let you get an ice cream? (We were rarely allowed one because they were too expensive and without fail, I'd get so excited and run and ask Mum for money, ever hopeful. If itwas a no, I'd watch the an from the window until it drove out of view and the music grew faint, thinking 'Next time...'). Then we get older and have to decide what we do, like a singular enterprise is the goal - not be open to adventure, settle down in a job with responsibilites. Then act our age...oh, is there ever worse life advice? 

It's no secret I struggle with age. Not being old (except the physical decline) but that it gets harder to find people to have fun with. The gulf in our ideas of fun gets bigger and wider. I don't need to fit in, but I still want to do the thing. A friend recently changed venues because "It's more our kind of thing" and I thought "Is it?" I was disappointed we were no longer going to the buzzy bar, but I also wondered what we were that made the other place more suitable?

I got tired of missing out so now I just do the thing by myself if no one else will come. At first I was quite self conscious but now I have it down to an art. I have noticed though, through the Wednesday Club, that I am getting a few more partners in crime for these whimsical escapades, so I know I'm not alone....

I've always been a fan of Alice, since as long as I can remember, so any chance to run down the rabbit hole I'm quick to jump on. I also love magicians. I love that rush as you watch the impossible happen. 

In lockdown, I started to see some magic out in the streets on my walks - it was strange what I tapped into. I seem to have lost the ability again a little, though Rone tapped into it a little. While already on a high at Palm tree festival, I got a giddy rush of delight when Tiesto played White Lotus - it was so unexpected and I squealed involunarily when I recognised what it was. These are the moments to treasure in life. These fleeting feelings that rip through you, busting joyously from somewhere within and take over your whole body - exploding in a smile that shines in your eyes and huurts your cheeks, that rushes though your chest and pumps your heart a little faster and at times extends to a clap because your hands join in before your brain has time to tell them not to make a noise.

Funnily enough, in lockdown Dispatches from Elsewhere really set that ablaze in me, a need to seek out the whimsy woven into every day life. As did my excitement and joy exploring the Prism. It was igniting something in my headspace, when nothing else was changing externally. It opened up a broad horizon while the real world I lived in got smaller. The Elves in the Eurovision movie, the delight of finding a Mows in the wild or a Boy under the Bridge in an alley. As we get more back to 'normal', I don't want to lose it. 

It's one of the best parts of being alive and it's usually free. It's an internal thing, it comes from you, from how you view the world. It's you insisting on seeing the magic, however small, and discovering that can infiltrate your life. 

 “You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life.”

― Mary Oliver

(No surprises I dragged everyone here to get a coffee from the bear in the wall in Harajuku) 

Linking with #WeekedCoffeeShare  #TellUsAbout...#FriendshipFriday  #AwwMondays, because all the pics made me go Aww in different ways!

My Random Musings