Something Loved: I wrote about the excitement that my eldest chick might be returning to the coop. She did yesterday, and the whole removalist thing took much longer than anticipated so she more or less unloaded and my husband and i had to race off to meet friends at the theatre. I'd organised pizza to be delivered for dinner so the siblings would eat together. When we got home, they were all in the lounge room playing something on playstation. There was much mirth and camaraderie. It truly made my heart sing. As I often lament, our youngest has become an only child (which is not bad in itself but is a loss if you had a different experience before, and that was taken from you).

Something Gleaned: We went to L'Hotel at the Opera house, The day before, we got an email to come in our black tie finery or something along those lines. I thought 'How stupid, everyone has to come from work'. However, we did it, and when we saw everyone in the foyer, everyone was checking each other out (in an admiring 'look at them, looks good' kind of way. It was like we were all part of a secret club). When we were all at the tables, it really did make us feel like we were part of it and the Studio had indeed been transformed into something special. We left elated and giddy (though that also could have been the champagne). So what I learnt was perhaps I need to ignore my first negative reaction and positively embrace things more easily.

Something Braved or Saved: I have to do Karaoke on the weekend. I am not a very good singer with very limited range. I saw Moulin Rouge this week and Sia's Chandelier was echoing in my head, so I thought I'd do that. Except, you know, Sia can sing. So then I tried Choir of Man's version, but it was too slow and took the fun out of it. I am now doing the Moulin Rouge version - which I can sing in key cos it's low, and belt it out enthusiastically. I've also been singing it all over the place as it's a really catchy song....so while I haven't braved it just yet, it is something I will brave. Where there is a will, there's a way....

Something Achieved: I got my Tax done. Boring but necessary. Not a good way to end, but it is about the only thing I achieved that springs to mind. Takes a load off my mind for another year.....
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