Wednesday 21 August 2024

Dancing in the street....

Last Sunday, the Wednesday club joined Disco Loco and spent an hour or so on a dancing tour of the Rocks. Meeting at Circular Quay, we put on the head phones and danced our way to the Harbour Bridge.


There was a couple on our tour who were really into it, and really wild dancers so that made it easier to throw away the inhibitions and just enjoy it. Like Augusten Burrough's says in This is How, if you just focus on the task directly infront of you, everything else just falls away (he says it better but that's the gist).

I found if the song was good, then I didn't notice what the onlookers were doing or care if they were laughing or snapping pics. We had dressed up on 80's or sparkles so were quite a sight as we boogied past all the Sydney icons. 

What I did find unexpectedly difficult, was dancing and moving forward at the same time. I kept feeling I would trip or ended up sort of skipping. It's was weird. A few of my friends also struggled with this. 

There are stops for trivia and a quick drink at the narbour View Hotel, but even though the distance isn't far, you got your heart rate up and at times a little out of breath. 

At the end, one of my friends said "I'm glad I did that, that was really pushing me out of my comfort zone" which is the whole point of the Wednesday Club, to explore new things.

We all had fun, though some of us were more self conscious of the audience. For me, like always, even though I'm shy and introverted when the music hits, I get lost in the dance!

It was the most Sydney thing to be dancing to Cher past the Opera House....

Linking with #ThruMyLens #TrafficJamReboot #WowonWednesday  #SundayBest  #MCoWJENerally Informed


  1. I can totally relate to what you mentioned about getting lost in the dance despite being shy or introverted. Music has a way of making everything else fade away, and it’s wonderful that you and your friends pushed yourselves out of your comfort zones. It's experiences like these that make life so vibrant and memorable.

    If you’re ever looking for more ways to explore, feel free to visit I share various topics that might inspire your next adventure.

  2. Great photos, it sounds like a fun time. Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. Awesome 'dancing in the streets' photos ~ Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. You had a blast on your Disco Loco dancing tour! Dancing through Sydney’s iconic spots with 80s and sparkles must have been such a fun and freeing experience. It’s great that you could let go of inhibitions and just enjoy the moment, despite the challenge of moving and dancing at the same time. Pushing out of comfort zones often leads to the most memorable adventures!

    Read my new blog post: Thank you.

  5. Now that´s f1rst. Great idea!

  6. It must have been a sight to behold! Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.
