Saturday 31 August 2024

Little Loves - August

Linking with #FloralFridayFoto

It's been a busy month with lots of fun straight into it....

Read That for the first time ever more than half the world's population is voting in an election this year, and the three biggest democracies are fighting the grips of Autocracy. Makes you realise how fragile the stability of this world we know is (I'll be honest, that was at a talk, not a book but I can't stop thinking about it so I'm sharing it anyway). Book reviews are here. I did read this at Fodi and I love the saying. It's the perfect way to think about when you stumble or things don't go to plan.

Heard Was in an uber wondering why anyone would listen to the radio when it's so terrible and then this song came on, which I hadn't heard before. Loved it so that made it worthwhile.

Watched Been to a lot of plays and bands lately. Great time (see Insta for details). Got a comedian lined up so feeling very lucky. On TV enjoying Kaos and Bad Monkey. 

Made the decision to fly to Japan via Korea as it saves us $5k. So no brainer to book the hotels and tickets to things. But an almost whole family holiday. One last time! Yay!

Went to Ministry but decided to go back to my Converse instead of the more expensive shoes i purchased with better support specifically for dancing. No idea why...good night but left early...opps. getting old!

And lastly... Currently loving this song, even though apparently everyone hates it.

Linking with #HappyNow and #HappyTuesday as these all made me very happy! #Anythinggoes  #TrafficJamReboot  #LittleLoves #MondayMusicMovesMe  (for the White Bay Power Station in it's new form as party venue!)


  1. Goodbye August and Hello September! Wishing you a great new month. I am voting for Democracy! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  2. Shaboozy performed at a hot air balloon festival our area held last month. People were so excited he was performing, but I wasn't familiar with his music. Your selection was so catchy. Oh well. As for the other selection, I might be going with the majority here. On another note: We here in the United States have a very important election come November and I feel democracy is on the ballot.

    1. Yes, the US was one of the three (India and Indonesia are the other two, according to the speaker)

  3. Love the photos! And The Bar Song is lots of fun - from a guy named 'ShaBOOZEy', no less! ☺ I'm in Canada and we are VERY interested in the upcoming U.S. election, because the outcome also affects us in a big way. Cheers!

    Debbie @ The Doglady's Den

    1. Is that because of migration or you follow suit or why? Just proximity to instability?

  4. I have hope and saying prayers that the women in my country will vite for their present and future rights!

    1. There is a song by Grace Petrie called Meanwhile in Texas...and it makes me get teary every time. It's devastating and quite unbeleivable. I saw Dr Jen Gunter talk and she said in Canada abortion can't be weaponised for control as it's just considered health care. We tried to do it here in NSW but the then Premier, who is a Christian, voted against the proposition to ban it even though personally she was against it (but she could see medically it wasn't in the interest of women for the govt to get involved). I admired her for that. Politicians are ALWAYS meant to vote for the population not their personal interests and beliefs.

  5. Aimz, I've no idea why your comments don't appear here - but I see them. We wouldn't have been going if I couldn't have got the airfares down, I'm telling you that!

  6. Sha-Boozey has the craziest hair. lol The song you picked is really catchy and I enjoyed the introduction. I may hop over to YT to sample more of his music. Lavinia & Ely Oaks is also an introduction - very danceable music. Thanks for joining Monday's Music Moves Me, Lydia. Have a boogietastic week!

  7. The last song..yeah not for me but would make a good dance tune with all the lights going on and off. The first song is good and he has a great voice. I still listen to radio..I'm very old you ate going to Japan? Wow, that's so great. My friend was there for a mete 4 days and he loved it. He wants to go back. He said it is very clean and there are many green spaces. Hope you all have a wonderful time.

  8. You had a great August. I'm sure your going to have a fabulous September too.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Hugs. ♥
