Sunday 18 August 2024

Familliar things are a comfort to us all - Andy Rooney


I saw this on my morning walk and it made me smile. I can't quite place it - Simpsons, maybe?

It's funny the affect of familliarity, even if we don't consciously recognise the source.

“Many of us have made our world so familiar that we do not see it anymore. An interesting question to ask yourself at night is, What did I really see this day?” John O'Donohue

Short and sweet for #WeekendCoffeeShare  #WordlessWednesday #GMAlinky #MuralMondays #HappyTuesday


  1. ...slow down and enjoy what surrounds you!

  2. It does remind one of a cartoon character! Well done.

  3. Cute mural! Looks like a kids game. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  4. Charming and fun! I'm glad you shared this cute mural.


  5. Very quirky and cute. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  6. it does look Simpsony. 😆

  7. I'm not sure if it's Simpsons or not, but it made me smile too.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  8. Hi Lydia. The graffiti is amazing! I had seen your 'test' comment. I did not approve, but wanted you to know I had seen it. Not sure if you wanted it listed. If yes, let me know and I will approve it to be on the post. Thanks for visiting and I sure enjoy visiting your blog!
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. I am having trouble with comments and some aren't going thru. I was just trying to see if my comment did. Never need the 'test' published!!

    2. But did the real comment go thru?

  9. I am not sure either but it did make me giggle heheh! :-)

    Have a mysteriouslytastic week 👍

  10. *laughing* It reminds me of a TV with ears. If it is a character from a children's TV program it never ceases to amaze me where the artists source their ideas.

  11. It's quirky. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.
