As all the young ones plan their outfits for Ultra, my friend and I are testing out footwear. It's a big day - last year we covered 26 km, dancing and jumping in the crowds for 9 hours. It's so fun but my feet are really giving me trouble. It's almost embarrassing how much this comes up in our conversations.
I think I have plantar fasciitis or some sort of arch problem. I'm doing exercises with the spike ball, wearing flamingo feet and testing out all different shoes and inner souls - anything to get foot wear that will cope with 8 or more hours of energetic dancing.
There was a question on twitter asking what was the one menopause symptom you'd get rid of, and for me, it's the feet thing. I hobble first thing in the morning and if I lie down to watch tv at night, when i get up I'm limping all over the place.
I can still do my 11km walks but I worry I'm on limited time.
So, send me your tips - I have a month to get it all in order.
As I started writing, I was reminded of this song in The Wiz. It's very much all my feels. Funny what lies dormant in your brain until recalled.