Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Feet, don't fail me now!

 As all the young ones plan their outfits for Ultra, my friend and I are testing out footwear. It's a big day - last year we covered 26 km, dancing and jumping in the crowds for 9 hours. It's so fun but my feet are really giving me trouble. It's almost embarrassing how much this comes up in our conversations.

I think I have plantar fasciitis or some sort of arch problem. I'm doing exercises with the spike ball, wearing flamingo feet and testing out all different shoes and inner souls - anything to get foot wear that will cope with 8 or more hours of energetic dancing.

There was a question on twitter asking what was the one menopause symptom you'd get rid of, and for me, it's the feet thing. I hobble first thing in the morning and if I lie down to watch tv at night, when i get up I'm limping all over the place.

I can still do my 11km walks but I worry I'm on limited time.

So, send me your tips - I have a month to get it all in order.

As I started writing, I was reminded of this song in The Wiz. It's very much all my feels. Funny what lies dormant in your brain until recalled.

I've seen Garrix twice before but he is the reason we're going again. He is definitely worth the journey....

Linking with #TrafficjamReboot


  1. Ouch! That sounds painful, Lydia! A friend of mine has foot problems (possibly due to her MS), and she's found Hoka shoes (recommended by her podiatrist) to be the most comfortable. You can also get advice on appropriate insoles from a podiatrist - or even custom insoles. I'd definitely recommend seeing one. Hope you get some relief soon and are able to enjoy the upcoming event!

  2. Hehe, "Slide some Oil to me!" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ - yes, from a certain age we all need to be oiled better.
    Over time, plantar fascitis made walking and dancing difficult for me too (and Edi had the same problem when running). I think it mainly affects people who have been walking, running and dancing a lot all their lives... Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) helped both of us. However, it took longer than a month for me (Edi was faster and no longer has any problems) and I still have to stretch the tendon every day if possible and wear orthopedic heel spur insoles. This has helped me a lot so far, even though I can definitely feel the tendon on some days.
    Fingers crossed! 🀞🏼🀞🏼🀞🏼🀞🏼🀞🏼
