Wednesday 24 April 2024

What's been on my calendar? Ultra!

My Christmas present was to head down to Melbourne with a friend for Ultra, to see Steve Aoki. With much fear of having to cancel it due to COVID like last year's treat, I was delighted when I finally made it on the plane. 

We went straight to lunch at Supernormal for their sensational food and a few cocktails before heading out to Flemington (as there's virtually nothing for me to drink at festivals - everything is too sweet or with Red Bull....Note to organisers, don't just have Pink Gin, it's disgusting!!). 

The Melbourne weather turned on a treat as did the DJs. But Aoki was even more delightful than I expected - a fun mix of cheesy and kooky. The cake thing, which I never really understood, now fills me with a burst of joy in my chest when I watch the clips, and a smile creeps onto my face involuntarily. 

I keep looking back at my videos of Aoki's set and I feel a wave of wellbeing and bonhomie. It begins in a little ball in my chest and then fans out, inching over my skin and moving up my neck to my cheeks. There's some muscle memory triggered, the warmth of the sun and the physical exhaustion* mixed in with the elation of dancing in a crowd. I can feel my cheeks redden. Being able to harness it at my finger tips is the best Christmas present ever.
*About 24km of the day's exersion was dancing and jumping. I was shattered by the time we headed for the hotel...but nothing a soak in the tub couldn't fix...

On Wednesday night, I went to the theatre and the play ended with Bella Ciao and I was telling my friends what it was like to be in a crowd of thousands all singing in unison. It really felt like a revolutionary moment. Except we were just having a revolutionary good time! (I have since found out that April 25, while Anzac day for us, is the Day of Liberation from nazi Fascism and the symbolic song is Bella Ciao, a folk song of resistance and freedom). I've been humming it all day today and rewatching the clip.

My clip won't upload but you can see it here, about the 8th pic as you swipe along. 

So that's what's been on my calendar - and alas no music for a few weeks, alas. And no festivals probably until Harbourlife. Boo!

Note there are some swimsuits and shirtless gym guys so possibly NSFW....


  1. What a fun concert Lydia, you always have interesting music events! Thanks for joining us for #WBOYC with such colour and joy.

  2. Hi, Lydia - You really do go to the coolest palces. What an awesome concert. I'm delighted that all went well with no cancellations this time. I greatly look forward to your next adventure.

  3. I'm glad you were able to make your trip, Lydia. It looks like you had a marvelous time.

  4. I can hear the joy in your words! As an aside, why do they always have those sickly sweet gins and "cocktails"? Ugh.

  5. HI Lydia I know what it is like travelling to see a show or concert and Melbourne's weather looks like it turned up too. I have a tale about my husband and I being groupies but will tell that in the next Tell Us About where I think the prompt is musical. Thanks for sharing at #WBOYC? it is always lovely to read your posts. x

  6. Those were two fun songs you featured this week. Happy you were able to take us along virtually - I would have appreciated the sickly sweet cocktails many years ago, but no more!

  7. You do the most amazing things. Loved both videos and especially the last one.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

    1. I love the last song. I've been playing it non stop! So happy!

  8. Looks as if you had a fantastic time. Great photos! And congrats on finally getting there. The rendition of Bella Ciao is excellent — set my toes to tapping for sure.

  9. Looks like a great concert. Very nice.

  10. What cool photos! You do see some great concerts. Life without music would be so bland.Thanks for sharing and joining the 4M party, Lydia. Have a boogietastic week!

  11. Wow! The stage looks great and all the colours! You must have been dancing your heart out. These trips will stay with you forever and always put a smile on your face. I enjoyed the music which made me get up and dance

  12. glad you could make it and had such a great time. I love the image in the middle - the green tinted one.

  13. Live music is always nice.

  14. Looks like so much fun!
    Thanks for sharing at
