Wednesday 24 April 2024

Share Four Somethings - April

 Things I've loved and/or disliked We missed Bluesfest this year (which I disliked) because it didn't fall in school holidays so seemed too expensive when we couldn't go for the whole thing. However, we had points to go to Melbourne and a free night in a hotel on points so I loved going down to see Blind Boys of Alabama wiith my husband for a fleeting night away. It's been a long time we've had a night without the kids so it was a real luxury. We left and lunch and were back about 26 hours later so it really was short but sensational.

I'm sharing this song with Tom Jones at Bluesfest (which we missed) but ironically, the reason we had to go to Melbroune to catch the Blind Boys was because their Sydney gig clashed with Tom Jones and we were at that).

Things I've accomplished I don't feel I've accomplished very much. I did write and submit a story but it didn't go anywhere. I got work stuff done but not as much exercise and not really got on top of things as I would have liked to. Too much travel and fun so can't complain...

Some things need improvement I need to watch what I'm eating and exercise more. I need to organise my time better as I seem to always be playing catch up after losing a day to visit family members. 

Things I've noticed Singapore has a population of 5 million people and 55 Michelin Star restaurants, and Australia has none (which doesn't mean we don't have good restaurants, they just don't cover us). But how do so many restaurants survive with such a small population? Our restaurants seem to be still struggling after COVID years and cost of living and interest rates squeeze...theirs are packed, for multiple sittings?

A very short #ShareFourSomethings this month. What have you loved or disliked? What's been going on for you?


  1. Hello again! I had a lot of reading material with you today - a lot to catch up :-) You definitely have a musical time behind you. Glad you were able to “catch up” with the Blind Boys!
    And I particularly liked your description of your feelings at the Steve Aoki concert - "It begins in a little ball in my chest and then fans out, inching over my skin and moving up my neck to my cheeks..." (etc.) That I'm so happy for you! The sparkling blue sky in Melbourne is enviable - fantastic!
    It's also wonderful what you wrote about the trip with your husband to the Banyan Tree in Bintan. Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary! I really like the comparison of the old and new photos!
    Sorry that I've abbreviated everything here in one comment, but it's already bedtime for me - that's why I say goodnight - and all the best,

  2. It sounds like you had a really nice, but short trip.

  3. Not getting to accomplish much because of travel and fun is somehow never quite as upsetting as not getting to travel and have fun because you are too busy accomplishing things! LOL That overnight getaway sounds wonderful. My understanding is that Singapore (along with many other countries) has what is known as an "eating out culture" where most people eat out a lot with more than 60% of their food budget going towards eating outside the home.

  4. Your needs too!! Here's to seeing some of that improvement in the new month ahead!

  5. It is hard when you feel like you are always playing catch up! I loved Singapore, and I agree with Joanne's statement, they seem to be an eating out culture.

  6. ...we went to a the Blind Boys concert before the pandemic, they were great.

    1. I love them so much. We go every time. I think there were 5 when i first went. Now just two. But those two are still amazing. What voices!
