Thursday, 13 February 2025

Tell us you show love.

I wasn't going to do this post but last minute, I've decided I will, mainly because I found this book in my new favourite book library so I decided it was a sign. I left it there for someone and they took it.

I show love for my fellow man by collecting all our cans in a box so our can guy doesn't have to go through our disgusting bin. We keep it for him and he knows where to get it from on bin day.

I show love for the less fortunate by donating to the Wayside Chapel (through out the year but they have a Valentine's Day appeal). I like them because they offer immediate help and you don't have to be religious and they don't refuse you if you are gay (like some supposed charities). It's not charity if you make demands on the person in need.

I show love for future generations - my kids, their kids if they have them. by trying to look after our environment. I pay to recycle certain items (I sell things on ebay to cover these costs), I try to buy products in no packaging on minimal impact packaging.

I show love to people by giving them the benefit of the doubt when I can.

I show love to friends by reaching out, especially when I notice they've been quiet.

I show love for my dog by giving her cuddles unexpectedly at least once a day (we have other habitual cuddles that she expects).

I show love for myself by exploring my interests and organising fun activities. I'm also trying to accept ageing and all that comes with it.

I show love for my husband and kids by always trying to turn up. Be the support and cheer squad for their activities and dreams.

There are a million small ways each day we show love.

"There is no remedy for love but to love more." Henry David Thoreau

Cheesy heart chocolates are the Valentine's Day gifts for the kids, husband and I gave each other tickets to Andrea Bocelli. Happy Valentine's Day to you all.

Linking with #WordlessWednesday #TellUsAbout#Awwmondays (not the furry type but still lots of things that make me go Awww) #WeekendReflection for the top pic.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day! Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful valentines day!

  3. Sounds like you show love in many ways! Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. I show love for my other half by trying to remember this quote: love covers a multitude of sins. When either of us do something wrong, it's important to be patient. Hope your Valentines Day was lovely.

  5. You show love very nicely. Well done. We should all do what you do to spread the love.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  6. How lovely Lydia! Great to have you join us for #TellusAbout.

  7. This is lovely! And wonderful that you show love to others by donating to charity. So sweet that you give your kids cheesy Valentines chocolates too!
    Suzy xx

  8. I am so glad you decided to join us after getting that sign. I look for signs in a lot of things so I totally get that!!

    I completely agree with you that charities should help everyone and not make demands or put restrictions on recipients. The church we attend is pretty large. I don't really like that about it but I do see the good they do to help so many. And I can get behind that all day.

    Hope you guys enjoy the Andrea Bocelli concert. I'm sure the kids loved the chocolate. And I am sure your can guy appreciates the extra effort you extend to make it easier for him to retrieve your cans.

  9. I think you have come up with such a good list of ways to show love to many different people. We often forget ourselves when we think of love. I think seeing and hearing Andrea Bocelli would be amazing! Thanks for joining us on Tell Us About!
