Friday, 28 February 2025

Little Loves - February

READ In January I read the Convenience Store Woman and stumbled across this loved little ode to Convenience Stores in Japan by Pico Iyer. Worth a read if you have a few minutes. Very lovely.

WATCHED  Conclave - again. I went to see it when we got back from Japan and fell asleep almost immediately due to jetlag. I was glad when my friend suggested it and I loved it. I thought it was really interesting all the political machinations of how the church has distorted from it's original intentions. And a great film for now as it feels like we are watching it in real time. Interestingly my friend found it a little boring. It's funny how we can sit next to each other and watch the same thing and experience two very different things. I guess there's a lesson in there somewhere.

HEARD This is my new favourite song. I'd LOVE Don Diablo to come out. 

As an aside, I also love his Avicii song... (Maybe don't watch this if prone to epilepsy, flashing festival stage lights)

WORE Orthotics, flamingo feet and arch stretching compression wraps on my feet. I am also trying to wear in a pair of shoes I bought about 5 years ago and never wore because they give me blisters. They are perfect for a wedding in a month. My dog walks have fancy footwear involved at the moment. Ha!

The photo however is of one of my lovely Kitten D'amour dresses. 

LASTLY My top three moments of the month? Very hard to narrow down as there's been a lot of fun outings with friends and lovely little moments of joy. I will go with my day trip to Melbourne which was sensational and my weekend with friends in Hawks Nest and at Currawong, our last time in the big house...

I had initially thought "I've not really done much this month" but when I look at Insta to prod my memory, I then find it so hard to choose which three topped the list. And I guess that is something to really appreciate.

So that's about it for February from me. How was your month?

Linking with #LittleLoves


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