Thursday, 6 March 2025

“I am still making order out of chaos by reinvention” ― John le Carre

We are constantly changing. There's a problem if we are not. We should be learning new things and gaining greater understanding and if we are fixed to the knowledge we thought we once had, we never grow.

So we are constantly reinventing ourselves.

Sometimes by choice, think about how your musical taste might have changed over the years?

Sometimes by force, the arrival of children, a divorce, a death. We are forced to reinvent our whole lives, even though we had intellectually nailed that life as our permanent one.

You are allowed to reinvent yourself as often as you need. As I wrote here, these new beginnings slip by unheralded.  You just keep marching forward and look back to see you climbed a mountain.

I saw this quote yesterday, and I think it's the most positive reason to reinvent yourself as you need to. "If you do not swim with the person you are becoming, you will drown under the weight of who you used to be".

If you don't like an aspect of your life, including who you are, work to change it. Reinvent yourself, follow that ridiculous dream, make the world the way it should be.

"At its core, reinvention is inextricably linked to hope: the hope that we can find another way, take another shape.” ― Vivek Shraya, People Change

Linking with #SeniorSalonPitstop #GMALinky #Tellusabout #SundayBest #TheRandom #ThruMyLens #TalkaboutItTuesday

#Skywatch #GaleriaHimmelsblick


  1. Beautiful photo and a great quote!
    Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend.

  2. Thanks for this Beautiful and important message

  3. Such a great message. It's very similar to the Christian belief about being "reborn". Lovely photos.

  4. This is such a great post! I agree that we are always changing and learning and growing.

  5. Hi Lydia I couldn't agree more and what a powerful quote "If you do not swim with the person you are becoming, you will drown under the weight of who you used to be". Love your interpretation of Reinvention - it really is our choice isn't it? x

  6. I love this post. I think it is healthy to reinvent oneself as your circumstances change. I retired five years ago and I've had to reinvent myself completely to deal with it. No longer propped up artificially but corporate employer and career, it is now just me standing on my own (with my family and friends, who wants to stand completely alone).

  7. I am reinventing myself. I am blessed with family and friends who prop me up when I get weak at the knees. I don't give up. Thank you for reminding us to keep on learning to take another way. Happy Trails!

  8. I agree, you can always reinvent yourself. I love this post - Thank you for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.

  9. hi Lydia, that's a great quote and you've written a fab post around it for the prompt of reinvention. Thanks for joining in.
