Thursday 27 June 2024

Share Four Somethings - June

Things I've loved and/or disliked I love VIVID, I love how festive it makes the month. Nights with nothing happening turn into quick after dinner excursions. The many posts of VIVID are here, here and here.

I went out with some people I didn't know (invited by someone I've only met a few times and her friends) to see a folk singer I didn't know. I didn't listen to his music beforehand. I have to say, I had a great time. The women were friendly and inviting, and I felt comfortable the minute I turned up, which is not that normal for me. They were the type of women you think 'oh, I'd love to see more of you'. The singer was great, and even though his songs were quite sad, his banter was hilarious so it was a very uplifting evening. In one song he pulled a person out of the audience to sing with him (you can see it on my Insta, 3rd panel). She was amazing!

He also sang this gorgeous song about falling in love (and getting married for a second time). It's so beautiful. So sending this out to all the second time arounders....

Things I've accomplished Under doctors orders for some health issues, I've cut out alcohol. I didn't drink every night but I did enjoy a negroni some evenings....I've gone 30 days, had one (planned) slip up for a friend's 50th and then back on  (or off booze, I guess). Even managed a party where I walked round with a glass of champagne (to avoid attention) but never sipping it. It's not making me feel better so I am not the poster child for sobriety. No clear head or better focus...but hopefully my liver is enjoying the break.

Linking with #MuralMonday

Some things need improvement Focus. I'm not sure what is happening but I never seem to be getting enough work done at the moment...need to be more rigid on tasks and less distracted (or slow to start, I think is the problem).

Things I've noticed 
I did iFly (indoor skydiving) with my youngest and what I noticed is this should be an activitiy aimed at middle aged women. All the mums in the group had the hugest smiles while doing it - more than the kids and the dads. All the women were beaming when they finished and giggly with excitement. I think there has to be something there, that for the 2 minutes, we are free and elated, and remembering how we used to have carefree fun! So perhaps in the 'improvement' section I should have written 'More time dedicated to carefree fun!'

The unrelated photos are just some things I've enjoyed noticing this week.

Linking with #WWWhimsy #ShareFourSomethings


  1. Hello,
    The concert sounds great. I love all the photos and pretty skies.
    Have more fun! Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

  2. Well your photos are fabulous. That last minute concert sounds like it was so much fun. I'm not sure I would want to do indoor sky diving any more than I would want to do the real thing. My mother in law did sky dive just a year or two ago-- we were all in awe of that.

  3. Great photos Lydia. I only saw the Vivid show twice, when my husband worked in Sydney for 2 years before Covid and loved it! Not sure I would be so brave to do sky-diving. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Lydia.

  4. Tom, no idea why your comment didn't appear but you might be right on the ADD....

  5. Hope you do start to feel some real benefits from following the advice of your doctor. Those kinds of changes can be tough to stick to, so that does sound like quite the accomplishment. Interesting observation about the moms at indoor skydiving. I'm a little older than middle-aged, I think, but I'm quite sure I'd be more terrified than thrilled by skydivining - even if it is indoors! Hope you're having a great summer so far!

  6. I'm giving my liver a break this month too - doctor's orders. Sigh. I've decided to have a not quite completely dry July - ie build in 3 nights where I know I'll want a glass or two.

  7. I like the sound of Fly Lydia, and can remember the feelings of carefree joy I had when I went zip lining - me who's afraid of heights. I felt so free and empowered!! A great 4 somethings! #wwwhimsy

  8. The iFly sounds great Lydia. Every year we comment that this will be the year we go to Vivid. As yet we haven't done it....maybe next year. We have no excuse really, as we can fly direct to Sydney from Bendigo now. Putting it on my list for next year.

  9. You always do the most funnest of things! Well done laying off the alcohol for a bit (says me with a port in hand). Oh I would love to try that iFly (indoor skydiving) and I think you're right - the smiles would be the middle aged women remember back to the days when they were carefree and having more fun! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy Lydia. Hope the rest of your week goes well and you have a fabulous weekend to follow! xo
