Wednesday 5 June 2024



Due to some health issues, I've not hit VIVID as hard as I'd liked to. I'm still hoping to somehow squeeze it all in, but not sure when.

However a group of friends did the Tekno Train - not to be confused in any way with the German Techno Train, which was what I was thinking when I encouraged 5 friends to book it. As we all went as singles, the cost didn't matter so much, but if you'd paid $80 or $100 for a family, I'd not have been so stoked.

It was hilariously weird (compared to what I was thinking it would be prior to booking). The email telling us we had to stay in our seats made me realise I had to lower my expectations.

I did feel bad for the people that dressed to rave (clearly not having lowered their expectations, or not reading the email.

Not seen on train
Not seen on train

We had a good time, laughing for most of the hour. There was a family bouncing around in their seats and when they went down to the single carriage to dance, half our group followed them. It was hilarious.

There were two obnoxiously entitled, selfish women who took 4 seats, and refused to move even though the train was full and a father couldn't sit with his child. Even when specifically asked they wouldn't, so I hope their precious coats and handbags that took up the other seats next to them really enjoyed the ride. They could have sat together and the father could have sat with his son.We had been told many times before boarding that the train was full and to help groups sit together where possible. So if you go, don't be jerks. (Especially on the later sessions when most of the time you're in tunnels so the windows don't really add much!!)

Paul Mac, who I was sure had died (who was the Australian DJ that died about 2 years ago?? Old school, fore runner in the scene?) was also a little underwhelmning but I am def a Tropical House girl (or so spotify tells me). However, I leave you with my fav techno song that wasn't on the train but should have been.....and most def family friendly.
Not seen on train

We did have a good time, in large part to laughing at how wrong our expectations had been and making the best of a situation. It did make me appreciate just how enthusastic my friends are. It was a lesson in how it's the people that make the good times great!

The first session is the 'scenic' route which may show you more of VIVID (I don't know), we chose one of the later ones because the train goes faster, up to 80 kms an hour.

If you want to go on the TeknoTrain, tickets are here. It's a family freindly experience, even the later scessions. No nude guard cars on this train.....

Not seen on train 

Not seen on train

Linking with #WednesdayAroundtheWorld #MCoW #HappyNow & #HappyTuesdays because the lesson in life is not so much what you do, but who you do it with!
JENerally Informed


Not seen on the train


  1. That looks good fun. I am sorry that I cannot visit such event. So many lights and spectacles.
    Have a good time and all the best

  2. Love the pretty colors at night. It seems people do not have a clue, they should let others use those seats. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Dear Lydia, it looks like you really made the best of the situation, even if your expectations were completely different. It really always depends on the people you share an experience with - it's good if you have positive friends who think the same way like yourself!
    To be honest, the two women you mentioned could have really ruined my mood, because I've known such ego types since I took the train to work. They had a seat for their bag, but other people had to insist very vehemently on a seat (me) or stay standing. I hated these morning fights for a seat so much that I ended up driving to work again... Thankfully that's over! :-DD
    All the best, Traude

  4. Lydia, I loved the photos (especially the aqua and lime green lit building) but especially enjoyed your story of the the train trip and managing expectations but enjoying the time with friends! Have a great day! Patty

  5. Great photos! I have read 12 Ways to Age Gracefully (you mentioned it on your visit to my blog) and highly recommend it. Here is my review:

  6. I don't like inconsiderate people, I would've actually moved their stuff and sat down but that's just me.

  7. ...VIVID is a fabulous title for this festival. Take care and be well soon.

  8. VIVD looks so very cool and something that I really would love to go to. Super cool. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
