Sunday 9 June 2024

“Few people go to art exhibitions. The power of Street Art is that it goes to people’s daily life to be seen.” iNO


We have a new mural going up. I told the artist I thought it was great and she smiled broadly. Afterwards, I realised I should have got her name but I'll go back when the cherrypicker has gone and find the signature...

Last night after the train decided mid trip to not stop at five of the listed stops due to congestion, I travelled around trying to make my way home. The only bonus, as I wasted my time, was this train that lit up with all the reflected lights around it, looking like it was painted neon. 

Sometimes the smallest amusements make you smile.

"A museum is a bad place to look at art; the worst context for art is other art" Banksy

Linking with #Inspirememonday (for the train shot) #WeekendCoffeeShar#GMAsPhotoLinkup #WordlessWednesday #SundayBest #ThursdayArtDate 


  1. Good mural. Is it a skeuomorph?

  2. Clever.


  3. Very clever trompe l'oeil. Five train stops missed... hope no one was in a hurry! Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Lydia.

  4. I love the mural. The train trip sounds annoying, though. :)

  5. Interesting quote from Banksy. Hmmm.

  6. ...the red grabs your attention!

  7. I don't believe we've met before today, but having read your post, I know we would be good friends if given the opportunity. I love street art. I am always looking for it and sadly I see it most often as I am driving by and can't stop. Once I know where it is though I try to make it back to take it all in. And shame of the train ... phooey on congestion ... you shouldn't be forced to make your own way home after dark and after having paid your fare. I would think to myself I am going to complain, but then I don't because I either forget or I decided it wouldn't make a difference. So, my dear ... you know where the Wild Things Were. Do you know where they are?

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  8. I find street art interesting. However, back at my busiest time of taking senior portraits, I had a senior tell me there are certain meanings for certain designs. After that, I was careful of what the background art looked like.

  9. That's a beautiful mural. Great photo of the train all lit up in the tunnel. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  10. I do love to see street art when I'm out and about. That mural is really great

  11. Street art is a favourite of mine. I love wandering around the city and finding art in unexpected places.

  12. I love street art, but what annoys me is the mindless graffitti. WE have some amazing murals here in Portugal. You remind to share.

  13. Street art is cool, but I dislike graffiti and tagging... Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme, Lydia.
