Friday 28 June 2024

June Reading

I read two children's books this month (young adult maybe) that were excellent, powerful qand disturbing at times. Definitely the type of books that make you pause to process. They were better books than the adult books so don't dismiss them just for their target audience.

Louder than Hunger I came across this when Kelly Yang posted about it on Twitter. I ordered it in to read in paper form. The book layout is not in typical text. It does make a difference (or did in my processing - almost gave my brain space to process or feel the needling voice). It is a very powerful book about a boy with disordered eating. I found it very insightful. I'm not surprise it's been on the best seller list. It's an extraordinary book.

Malibu Rising This book was ok but nothing of note and just that easy read family saga style book. Had some nice parts. I just find in all her books, Taylor Jenkins Read takes too long to tell the story (or the story can't carry the length of the book - not that you get bored at the end, I mean each event is given too much explanation). If you loke the others, you'll probably like this too.

Under a Dark Angel's Eye After seeing Perfect Days (the Wim Wenders movie) I had to track down the Terrapin, the story that is discussed in the movie...This is a huge collection of Highsmith's stories and I'm 7 hours in on audible with 15 hours to go. Many of the stories are excellent, but Highsmith can get quite grim so I decided not to overload and will come back to it after a few different books. I think for her time, Highsmith was really extraordinary and must have really pushed boundaries. A lot of the stories could have been written now, and would be deemed edgy. 

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
This book kept coming up for me and I realised I'd never read it. It's an insight into that time, a look at racism, including not just the perpetraitors but those who think it's wrong but do nothing (and why they don't). There are some really awful events and the writing of those is powerful. I honestly think my heart was racing at one bit. It's an excellent book and little wonder it won the Newbery award for children's literature. (Note this is book 4, I've not read the others and I don't think that matters). I listened to audible version andat the end there is an author's note where she explains the current book banning and why it's important to keep the uncomfortable parts in. That in itself is worth a listen.)

Before the coffee gets cold I thought this got mentioned in Horowitz's Close to Death when he's discussing locked room mysteries (I noted them to read) but I think I actually just got diverted somewhere andthis isn't what he talked about, so I will need to find that list and get back on track...however if you like the Kamogawa Food Detectives, I think you would like this. I intend to read all four.

I know I've used the word Extraordinary too many times in this post but I can't think of a better way to describe the work...

What have you been reading? Anything EXTRAORDINARY?

Linking with #WWWhimsy #WOYBS #Share
 #WowonWedneesday #MonthlyWrapUp #MonthlyBookworms #SundayPost #Bookdate #SundaySalon &  #StackingtheShelves


  1. The “young adult” or “children’s” book categories are more about marketing books than about literary value or interest, in my opinion. Look at all the books that are loved by all ages, and shared by all the generations. Not just Harry Potter (or even Beatrix Potter) — lots and lots of great books are for every age.
    best, mae at

  2. Sounds like you and I agree about Malibu Rising and Before the Coffee Get Cold. Neither did it for me.

  3. Looks like a great reading month.

  4. I've run across John Schu in the library world, and I vaguely remember hearing that he was working on a book, but I missed all mention of the actual publication. I'm so glad to see that you found his book to be so powerful.

    I've been a huge fan of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry since I first read it long ago, when I was trying to read all the Newbery winners. It turns out that the story in the book closely parallels the life of my own father, who grew up in a similar family in a similar place in a similar life on the other side of the Mississippi---the only difference was that he and his family were not Black. But what a difference that made in the experiences of the Logan family.

  5. I have Before the Coffee Gets Cold on my list! I read the Kamogawa Food Detectives earlier this year and enjoyed it!

  6. I LOVED Roll of Thunder and keep meaning to read all of the books, but haven't yet. Happy reading!

  7. Glad you had a good reading month. Have a wonderful week.

  8. Please let us know when you find the list of locked room mysteries discussed in Horowitz Close to Death, won't you?

  9. I am waiting for the next Before the Coffee Shop book!

  10. I'm definitely going to look up Louder than Hunger and Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry, they both sound like books I'd enjoy. Not sure where I plan on fitting them in but we will see.

  11. Nice looking assortment of books. I've seen (many times) Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry but have never actually picked it up and read it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  12. It's been a long time since I've read a book, I really do need to get back into it.

  13. Interesting sounding books! I've been trying to catch up with my reading lately

  14. Louder than hunger sounds great! I think I would heartily agree with Mildred Taylor's note on book banning-- I keep saying these books should be great jumping off points for class/group discussions not banned!

  15. Just requested Louder than Hunger from the library on your recommendation. Thank you for reviewing.

  16. I think YA books are often very thought provoking. I haven't read any for a few years, but have always been impressed by them.
    The only Taylor Jenkins Reid I've read was Daisy Jones and the Six, which I know a lot of people love. I found it quite underwhelming so I've never been tempted to read any more of her books.

  17. I read Roll of Thunder in elementary school, but I am also working my through the Newberry Medal winners as an adult, and I'm eager to get to that one because I remember it being a powerful book!

  18. Patricia Highsmith keeps coming up. I think the universe is trying to tell me to her work.

  19. I've always avoided YA Fiction which is daft really. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry sounds good. Thanks for linking at Is This Mutton

  20. I've often really enjoyed YA faction. Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry is one that used to be on my "want to read" but I've forgotten all about it. I think I'd like Before the Coffee Gets Cold, as I really enjoyed The Kamogawa Food Detectives and it does look like it has a similar vibe. Happy Reading!

  21. Hi, Lydia - Thank you for sharing these reads with us. 'Louder Than Hunger' looks like a very powerful book. I will check it out.

  22. I'd never heard of Louder Than Hunger until this week and now I've heard mention a few times. It's not what I'd normally pick up, but I have a mind to do just that. Before The Coffee Gets Cold is in my Audible library - I just need to get around to listening to it. I'm always a tad "meh" about Taylor Jenkins Read even though everyone else is wow. I think it's just me.

    1. And me....I don't know why I keep reading them, tbh.

  23. I appreciate your reviews and recommendations. I'm always on the lookout. I read Before The Coffee Get's Cold. I enjoyed it.
    Visiting today from Anne's, At Home A Lot July Bookworm linkup #9

  24. Hi Lydia, I've always read YA books since my girls were teenagers but not many in recent years. Your reviews are interesting as are the books you've mentioned. I've had Malibu Rising on my TBR for ages but just haven't got around to it. I was a bit unsure of the other one she wrote which was sort of based on Fleetwood Mac. Thanks for joining us and mentioning some extraordinary books. #WOYBS

  25. I love seeing how everyones thoughts on a variety of books differs. I've read one Taylor Jenkins Reid book..might have been this one, but I can't was okay.

  26. Hi Lydia, I think I've only read one YA book and I can't remember what it was. It is a genre I don't really have on my radar but perhaps I should with two grandsons growing up fast. Thanks for sharing at #WOYBS always happy to have your reviews and recommendations. x

    1. You should try Roll of thunder. It's like To Kill a Mocking Bird but more disturbing in moments.

    2. Really powerful and extraordinary.

  27. Life is too short to read books that don't appeal!! I have to confess that my attention span is around 15 minutes for listening to anything so I am not into podcasts much at all anymore unless there is a BIG reason. Recently I found a fave author Clover Stroud interviewing Rob Delaney who "I" had never heard of...and as a result got to know more of Rob's family story on grief. Some connections are very valuable.

  28. I love a young adult book. I must say I've been really rusty on my reading but I just finished James Blunt's not-quite-autobiography which was funny and unbelievable in equal amounts. It was really easy and entertaining to read though and now I'm reading One Day which is just as sad the series of the same name on Netflix. I have my tissues at the ready...

  29. Hi Lydia, those look and sound like an 'extraordinary' bunch of books to read. I wish I had the time and head space to read but not at the moment. I did however start reading a book while we were at Ballandean for those few days. Haven't touched it since we got home but it was a nice easy reading one - the name and author escape me right now! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy ! xo

  30. Great selection of books, I do like YA books and I'll definitely read Louder than Hunger. I really want to read Kamagowa Food Detectives too. Thanks for linking up to Book worms monthly, I'm featuring your post in August's link up.
