Tuesday 25 June 2024

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way". Wayne Dyer

I go to a dance exercise class, and one of the group is a woman with dementia whose lovely elderly husband escorts her to class and then goes and sits in the car until it’s over. He then returns to escort her back to the car. Recently, instead of warm up she just started dancing & I thought ‘high five’ because warm up is a snore,

Then in the break she just kept dancing so I danced with her because there are too many breaks. After a minute a woman came and joined us so we danced until the instructor started again.

The lessons are:

1. if in decline and things are hard or confusing, just do the good bits.
2. If you keep doing something, even by yourself, the right people will find you.

Keep doing what you love as long as you love doing it.

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance". — Alan Watts

And yes, the unrelated photos are the same photo but the first one is upside down. I am entertaining myself endlessly with this....(see here & here)

Linking with #WaterThursday (for the photos not the words)


  1. Love this post. Let's dance. Bless that precious husband.

    Love both photos, but the upside down one is my favorite.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Lydia. Hugs. ♥

  2. This is a beautiful post. ♡
    ~"Dance is the hidden language of the soul." - Martha Graham

  3. You are a kind and lovely person...and thank you for that!! Denyse x

  4. Thank you for the beautiful life lessons, Lydia. I love the idea of skipping to the good bits in so many of life's circumstances.

  5. It's such an awful disease. This lady gets a bit confused it the instructions vary...

  6. Gorgeous story. Dancing in the breaks. Last week, towards the end of the week Kali died, I deliberately put on music and danced around the kitchen. As well as reminding me how much she used to enjoy me doing it, it also helped push the sadness away.

    1. In the grief podcast, there's a bit about movement and grief. I think I wrote a post about it awhile back, because it helped me process it too....

    2. It was in this one https://pandoraandmax.blogspot.com/2023/04/grief.html

  7. Lots of beautiful messages in this post Lydia. How lovely of that man to take his wife to dance class. How lovely of you to dance with her when she was dancing in the breaks. Who needs breaks anyway! Move and enjoy when you feel it. I must dance. It's been a long time. Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - enjoy the rest of the week and have a wonderful weekend! xo

  8. What a beautiful post, Lydia and wonderful messages to ponder. I need to find a dance exercise class - I miss my dancing. Enjoy your week x

  9. Absolutely love the upside down photos and the life lessons here. I particularly love the quote about "just do the good bits" this is something I could really get on board with! Loved this story - the only thing that could have made it better was if the husband joined in too!

    1. It's a women's dance class so I think that's why he doesn't stay in the room, but I sort of feel it should just be all genders so he can join, rather than sit in the car...

  10. Wonderful post. The lessons are spot on. Lovely upside down perspective in the first photo!

  11. I love it. The older I get the more I just do the stuff I want to do. Life is too short otherwise.
    I love your flipped photos. Flipping a photo really makes your mind work trying to make sense of it.

  12. You just made me smile. At the (upside down) picture but mostly about that lovely tale. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Fun post, I love the notes on your dance class

  14. Wow, the world is upside down! The photo and reflection are really, really great!

  15. Very nice. Just keep dancing.

  16. This post was beautiful. I actually broke down reading it. Thank you.

    1. Thank you (but I hope I haven't triggered something). Perhaps it needs a warning at the start?

    2. Not at all! Just beautiful!! No triggers. I promise . I apologize for the delay in responding. I can't get Blogger to notify me of comments since my blog is on Wordpress. I have to figure that out!

  17. Dance away, I'm with you! Thanks for being part of the "My Sunday Best" meme, Lydia.

  18. Thank you so very much for sharing our SSPS image here on your blog.
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 318. See you again next week at #319 https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/
    Please do not forget to come and join each W-S #WordlessWednesday (Words are also welcome) https://esmesalon.com/es-35-wordlesswednesday-words-welcome/

  19. Love the reflection in the water
