Wednesday 22 May 2024


I took this on the Bay Run,  however I equally like it upside down.

There is a seasonal thing to talk about! My favourite flowers are back in season. Last week they were $15, This week they were $10 and hopefully next week they're down to $6 or $7, which is when I usually buy them but I decided I needed a treat so here they are! It's a short season, about 6 weeks. I am wait for it each year, scouring the florists until they appear!

They are the fragrance of joy!

Do you like jonquils? Or what's your favourite flower?

Linking #Skywatch and #Galeriahimmelsblich for the reflection of the sky in the water. (the cloud texture in the reflection) # #KeithsRabmlings #WWOAT #WWOT #ThruMyLens with  #MySundaySnapshot #NaturesNotes 


  1. Nice picture of the water and nice flowers. I do not have special favorites, I like tulips and roses....and gentian and sun-flowers.
    Have a good time

  2. Upside down ist really great! :-)
    I didn't know about jonquils before, but I learned that they are a type of daffodil. They look very pretty. Here, daffodils are usually in season in spring, but I don't know if it's the same in Australia. I like a lot of flowers, but I especially associate lavender with a lot of positive things. Today you'll get late summer stuff from Tasmania from me :-D
    All the best, Traude

  3. ...I love the silvery Bay Run! Have a wonderful week.

  4. Oh dear, you are getting a lot of grey skies! Jonquils are one of my favourites, especially the chunky yellow ones that are very fragrant. I'm also partial to hyacinths (blue), anemones (red) and tulips (white), as far as Winter/Spring flowers go. Thanks for hosting, Lydia, and keep smiling...

  5. That is such a great photo. Very cool. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  6. The upside down picture's really cool - exactly how I imagine Australia to look!

  7. That reflection is outstanding!

  8. It's beautiful upside down or rightside up.

  9. Wow ! The color tone in your upside down pictures is outstanding , I love Jonquils. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  10. I loved these very atmospheric too and the upside down version good idea it works well :-)
    Have a jonquilstastic week 👍

  11. That's a great shot either way!
    Thanks for sharing at

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Looks just as cold as it is here. My Freesias and Daffodils have their green stems but no flowers as of yet.

  14. Great reflection! I love surrealism so it really appeals to me.

  15. I love how you have captured the reflection in the water - stunning snaps. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
