Wednesday 22 May 2024

Share Four Somethings - May


After such a bumper April, I don't know what I have to talk about in May. Infact I can't beleive it's time to write another one of these already!

Things I've loved and/or disliked The Comedy Festival has been filling up my evenings and allowing catch ups with all different friends and date nights with my husband. I've also enjoyed a few return visits to the Biennale at night to see bands. Again catching up with different friends. These free or low costs excursions are also only an hour or two so great for week nights and still home by 9 but had a night out. Making the most of what's on offer...and now it's time for VIVID!! My favourite of all.

Things I've accomplished It took me until the last few days but I submitted my story for the Grief anthology. I'm not 100% sure it's what they are after but I like it, and I am hopeful I make the cut. It felt really good to write again. I'm hoping to write something this weekend while partner is away.  

Some things need improvement I have a month to write this post yet every time I scramble about with what to say. I am going to try to do this as a month long effort next month, so when it falls due, I'm prepared.

Things I've noticed Specifically Australian, political but not leaning in either way. During the pandemic, the stress on the economy was in great part said that we needed migrants for our economy to grow and the border lockdown was bad for the economy. However, now both parties are saying they will cut immigration. Yet we are a country that requires quite high migration for the economy to flourish (birthrate doesn't cut it). No one in the media seems to be mentioning this. I am trying to decide if this is like the very fast train and something that gets mentioned every election but never really going to happen, or if both the media and the politicians think people in this country are stupid and don't remember anything that they say from one year to the next?

The photos are a bit more of the Biennale (there's one month left to check out all the sites). And walking around town....

Linking with #WednesdayAroundtheWorld #TrafficJamReboot  #ShareFourSomethings  #WWWhimsy #SundayBest


  1. I really like that little road in the last photo, are those lanterns hanging up?

    1. Yes, it leads to Spice Alley which is like a hawker centre with predominately food from Asia

  2. Dear Lydia, I clearly believe that politicians and the media believe that most people in ALL countries are stupid or have poor memories. (And perhaps this actually applies to a large proportion of people, otherwise they wouldn't fall into the same political trap every few decades.)
    Regarding your previous post: I am happy for you and your family that you had a good time together. This is definitely something that becomes more valuable the more the children live their adult lives and the less often you see them.
    Hugs and have a good time!

  3. The comedy festival sounds like a lot of fun. I think the media and politicians either think their audiences are stupid or perhaps they themselves can't remember what they say from one year to the next-- our media and government is the same way; often contradicting themselves within the same speech!

  4. Locked out but also linking with #SundayBest. Will link back as soon as I'm able.

  5. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words on my post about the Celebration of Joe's Life...I think my husband would have been happy with it...I hope your story makes the cut and is what they are looking for!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  6. Hi Lydia, thanks for supporting #WWWhimsy each week. Congratulations on your Grief Anthology writing project and making the cut. This Friday is What's Been On Your Calendar? so I hope you can link up with us and share your post again. Have a wonderful June, it starts next week! x

  7. Congratulations on writing again - and your submission. I know what you mean re a month to write these round-up posts - I'll probably be doing my round-up at stupid-o'clock on Friday morning to make the deadline for the link-up.

  8. I'd love to go the comedy festival one year Lydia. Well done on getting your story done and thanks for sharing your four somethings for #wwwhimsy, it's always great to have you join in.

  9. You are always busy, but good busy, Lydia. Another full month it seems, but with exciting things happening. Politicians! Hmmmm, I agree with your points. Short-sightedness to the nth degree with extreme conceit and arrogance. Reminds me of the quote by Alan Moore: “People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.” Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

    1. That line is in V for Vendetta. I love that quote. And use it often when getting angry at what the people here let the govt do (over the last decade - just one thing after another that I find incomprehensible!)
