Friday 31 May 2024

Five Favourite Monthly Moments - May

While May has been a quieter month than my April, which was non stop sensational fun, when I look back it's been a pretty good month. In no particular order:

1. I love the Comedy festival, this time 3 weeks and 10 gigs. It's a low cost and in most cases only an hour investment of time for a 'night out'. Great fun and endorphin releasing, easy catch up with friends, making the most of week nights or even late Sunday afternoon. Great for well being.

2. Really lovely Mother's Day with my husband and kids, and then another celebrating with my Mother

3. Great day with friends at the Hawkesbury Races, capped off with dancing! 

4. A smidge of live music and more dancing. And of course, the beauty & buzz of VIVID. 

5. Increasing my exercise, sunshine near water, baths with books, catching up with friends, my favourite flowers coming back in season...lots of lovely little moments.

I love looking at my Insta to recap the month. Like a gratitude journal in pictures.

How's your month been? 

Linking with  #MFFMM  and #WWOT #WWOAT #WWWhimsy #MondayMusicMovesMe #TheRandom t#SundayBest #WeekendCoffeeShare  #MCoW for the pics. VIVID is a fabulous time to visit Sydney.

While this is not my favourite Jungle song (that's Time) this one went off! Fantastic live!


  1. Hi Lydia, I really must get back to Vivid one year and the comedy festival really appeals to me. A great month for you!

  2. It does sound like a great month!

  3. Concert lighting makes for interesting photos. I love your photos! Thanks for joining the 4M party with the introduction of this song/artist. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!

  4. You had a great month..very active! Mine had a ton of birthdays and went out for dinner. We got a new kitten! We wanted a friend for our other cat but so far, hisses. A good tune and loved thr dancing

  5. I can see why you had a great May. You really did a lot of things.
    I feel similarly about my instagram. I have tried phone based journals but I find just reposting the same photos that I put on insta.

  6. Wonderful night photography!

  7. Hi Lydia - that sounds like a fabulous month to me! I've been to Vivid once and really enjoyed it! The highlight of May for me would be late May when we went to Fiji. Post to come on that. It was a lovely getaway where the Fijian people that work at the resort we were at made us feel very special, especially me on my birthday! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy and may your June be a fabulous month too! xo

  8. Vivid needs greater crowd control despite some of the barriers they had when I was there in quieter times. Sydney peeps like you know where there can be views that are less crowded. It was my 4th or 5th Vivid and it is a winter brightener. My secret travel tip in Sydney is to do return ferry trips when you can. My one hour from 5-6 pm over the Pyrmont etc and back was brilliant. Denyse x

  9. Hi Lydia, looks like a great month that you've had. I've never been to Vivid but we talk about heading up to Sydney for it every year. Your photos are great.

  10. Nice concert and Vivid photos. We could use something like Vivid where I live. Enjoyed the musical selection, too.

  11. It sounds like a really great month!

  12. I love the idea of a gratitude journal in pictures, Lydia. Thanks for sharing them with us. My May was joyful too, and June is off to a good start.

  13. How May flew by! June too, almost. Lovely Vivid photos, Lydia. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme.

  14. You do have some good moments love the photos :-)

    Have a vividtastic week Lydia 👍

  15. Gorgeous!
    Thanks for joining us this week at

    1. I link back with #WWOT but let me know if that's no longer the correct # (Maybe it never was? I'm a but useless at that!)

  16. Sounds like a great month. I could visit only the drone show this year. Hopefully I will see other installations next year.
