Wednesday 22 May 2024

In search of lost time....

I mentioned in #Allseasons what I did for Mother's Day, the official Mother's day being a celebration of my mum and my mother in law. 

Each year I celebrate being a mother on a different day, and doing something fun together. For me it's a celebration of all the fun times we'd have together, usually in school holidays where the kids and I would set off on 'adventures' or try out activities together. I love seeing them 'play' together, even now. 

Also, with the youngest still in her teen years, it's a chance for her to have her siblings around and available to her. Rare now that one has moved out and the other adult is busy.

(We saw the images at the Japanese hole in real life so it was fun seeing that again with the kids)

As we'd just been to Hijinx for my birthday, I chose Holy Moley. We went for dinner and cocktails and then a couple of rounds of golf. It was fun and I just loved seeing them all together. It's sadly rare. That's what we really celebrate on Mother's Day, that time when we had them all to ourselves, taken away only by school and hobbies.

I'm now planning a family getaway for a night as a Christmas present. Probably local between Christmas and New Year...just to steal some of that time back.

So that's what was on my calendar this month. Family fun!

“I felt myself still reliving a past which was no longer anything more than the history of another person;”
― Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time 

Linking with #ThursdayArtDate #GMAGenericLinkUp  #MySundaySnapshot #HappyTuesday #HappyNow #MuralMondays #WBOYC


JENerally Informed


  1. Please note I've been locked out for a few days, will do the link back to Mural Mondays as soon as I can. Will promote on Twitter tho.

  2. That first mural is beautiful and the tiles "pacman" type figures are cute. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Lydia.

  3. Lots of great detail in the murals. Thanks for sharing with all of us. Be well!

  4. It's that together time you can't get back - what a lovely way to celebrate Mother's Day.

  5. Good luck with the planning to steal time..ha! Since we moved back to Sydney and our kids and their kids have ALL sorts of commitments I try (and so far its worked) to plan a meal/snack time at our house for a catch up. Not everyone grandchild can come, especially when one is a DJ, but it's the only chance really that our daughter and son see each other, along with their kids. And it's around access weekends too. So, next one is light lunch first Sat of school hols. I look forward to it and then I look forward to them leaving us both in our more peaceful 2 person household.

    1. yes, it takes planning to line up the ducks, so to speak - but your last line, hehehehe!

  6. Such a lovely post Lydia, and yes to celebrating time when we have them all together which for me too is quite rare!! Thanks for joining us for #wboyc

  7. Family time is a good thing. We don't get together as much as we used to.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Lydia. ♥

  8. This is such a lovely post - I adore the Pacman tiles! Thanks for taking part and sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.

  9. Fundy Blue, yes it's Godzilla. I've no idea why your comment is only appearing on the back end. Sorry! But yes, I agree with your mum. Fleeting but treasured.
