Friday 28 June 2024

June Reading

I read two children's books this month (young adult maybe) that were excellent, powerful qand disturbing at times. Definitely the type of books that make you pause to process. They were better books than the adult books so don't dismiss them just for their target audience.

Louder than Hunger I came across this when Kelly Yang posted about it on Twitter. I ordered it in to read in paper form. The book layout is not in typical text. It does make a difference (or did in my processing - almost gave my brain space to process or feel the needling voice). It is a very powerful book about a boy with disordered eating. I found it very insightful. I'm not surprise it's been on the best seller list. It's an extraordinary book.

Malibu Rising This book was ok but nothing of note and just that easy read family saga style book. Had some nice parts. I just find in all her books, Taylor Jenkins Read takes too long to tell the story (or the story can't carry the length of the book - not that you get bored at the end, I mean each event is given too much explanation). If you loke the others, you'll probably like this too.

Under a Dark Angel's Eye After seeing Perfect Days (the Wim Wenders movie) I had to track down the Terrapin, the story that is discussed in the movie...This is a huge collection of Highsmith's stories and I'm 7 hours in on audible with 15 hours to go. Many of the stories are excellent, but Highsmith can get quite grim so I decided not to overload and will come back to it after a few different books. I think for her time, Highsmith was really extraordinary and must have really pushed boundaries. A lot of the stories could have been written now, and would be deemed edgy. 

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
This book kept coming up for me and I realised I'd never read it. It's an insight into that time, a look at racism, including not just the perpetraitors but those who think it's wrong but do nothing (and why they don't). There are some really awful events and the writing of those is powerful. I honestly think my heart was racing at one bit. It's an excellent book and little wonder it won the Newbery award for children's literature. (Note this is book 4, I've not read the others and I don't think that matters). I listened to audible version andat the end there is an author's note where she explains the current book banning and why it's important to keep the uncomfortable parts in. That in itself is worth a listen.)

Before the coffee gets cold I thought this got mentioned in Horowitz's Close to Death when he's discussing locked room mysteries (I noted them to read) but I think I actually just got diverted somewhere andthis isn't what he talked about, so I will need to find that list and get back on track...however if you like the Kamogawa Food Detectives, I think you would like this. I intend to read all four.

I know I've used the word Extraordinary too many times in this post but I can't think of a better way to describe the work...

What have you been reading? Anything EXTRAORDINARY?

Linking with #WWWhimsy #WOYBS #Share
 #WowonWedneesday #MonthlyWrapUp #MonthlyBookworms #SundayPost #Bookdate #SundaySalon &  #StackingtheShelves

Thursday 27 June 2024

Share Four Somethings - June

Things I've loved and/or disliked I love VIVID, I love how festive it makes the month. Nights with nothing happening turn into quick after dinner excursions. The many posts of VIVID are here, here and here.

I went out with some people I didn't know (invited by someone I've only met a few times and her friends) to see a folk singer I didn't know. I didn't listen to his music beforehand. I have to say, I had a great time. The women were friendly and inviting, and I felt comfortable the minute I turned up, which is not that normal for me. They were the type of women you think 'oh, I'd love to see more of you'. The singer was great, and even though his songs were quite sad, his banter was hilarious so it was a very uplifting evening. In one song he pulled a person out of the audience to sing with him (you can see it on my Insta, 3rd panel). She was amazing!

He also sang this gorgeous song about falling in love (and getting married for a second time). It's so beautiful. So sending this out to all the second time arounders....

Things I've accomplished Under doctors orders for some health issues, I've cut out alcohol. I didn't drink every night but I did enjoy a negroni some evenings....I've gone 30 days, had one (planned) slip up for a friend's 50th and then back on  (or off booze, I guess). Even managed a party where I walked round with a glass of champagne (to avoid attention) but never sipping it. It's not making me feel better so I am not the poster child for sobriety. No clear head or better focus...but hopefully my liver is enjoying the break.

Linking with #MuralMonday

Some things need improvement Focus. I'm not sure what is happening but I never seem to be getting enough work done at the moment...need to be more rigid on tasks and less distracted (or slow to start, I think is the problem).

Things I've noticed 
I did iFly (indoor skydiving) with my youngest and what I noticed is this should be an activitiy aimed at middle aged women. All the mums in the group had the hugest smiles while doing it - more than the kids and the dads. All the women were beaming when they finished and giggly with excitement. I think there has to be something there, that for the 2 minutes, we are free and elated, and remembering how we used to have carefree fun! So perhaps in the 'improvement' section I should have written 'More time dedicated to carefree fun!'

The unrelated photos are just some things I've enjoyed noticing this week.

Linking with #TheRandom #WeekendCoffeeShare #WWWhimsy

Wednesday 26 June 2024

My Five Favourite Monthly Moments - June

June has been super busy with so many lovely things, it's hard to narrow it down to just 5. Lots of good times with friends, their birthday celebrations, going to gigs together, date day with my husband and brilliant theatre and comedy. So, I'll get straight into it...

1. Graduation - my middle child had their graduation. Having missed a graduation ceremony for school due to COVID, this was his first big celebration of study achievements for finishing 2 and a half years further study. It was very exciting and I'm glad glad he got to celebrate the end of a learning era in the end....So proud and happy for him. Exciting times ahead!

2. VIVID - no need to talk too much about it as I've made plenty of dedicated posts. I had a blast at Electric Fields at Carriage Works for VIVID and strolling around our beautiful city, both with friends or solo. I love Sydney in VIVID, as the city really comes alive.

3. We went to Daniel Kitson Collaborator, a comedy show built around theatre performance of sorts - everyone in the audience reads the script, with a few lines each. It's so funny and a really uplifting feeling being part of something, almost colluding in a shared experience. I really like Daniel Kitson, and have been seeing him whenever I can. He's always very different and never disappoints.

4. Last of the Biennale. Headed into the MCA on the closing weekend of the Biennale...I really loved the Frank Moore work which I had never seen before, but I will talk more on in a later post. I'm a bit sad we have to wait another 2 years for the Biennale's return as it was really fun to have in the city and explore each week.

5, Music and Dancing - Great night dancing the night away with friends to Hot Dub (who spent a bit more time in the 2000's onwards, which suits me....I find the old stuff hard to really dance to as it's slow). 

My Insta for June made me smile. Follow along here.

Linking with #GMAPhotoLinkup #TrafficJamReboot #TheRandom #MySundaySnapshot #WeekendCoffeeShare #HappyTuesday (because these events made me very happy!)  #WWOAT (just for the sparkly pics)


It's always a really fun night - Hot Dub on the harbour is up next. Keep an eye out for tix. Here's last years for the really keen....

Out of season

 About a month ago, I saw a lone cherry blossom thinking it was time to bloom....and then yesterday, I walked past another lone bud beginning to open. Our Magnolia seems to flower a couple of times a year now and my doctor, when I saw him a month ago, pointed out that wattle was blooming early all over Sydney due to the change in climate so hayfever sufferers were in for a long hall....

We may not see the big extremes but the little changes are confusing nature, in small but perceptible ways, even in the city.

It really is becoming the case of #Allseasons...all the time.

Linking with #WWOAT #WWOT #NaturesNotes #GMAsLinkParty #Wordlesswednesday #KeithsRamblings

Tuesday 25 June 2024

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way". Wayne Dyer

I go to a dance exercise class, and one of the group is a woman with dementia whose lovely elderly husband escorts her to class and then goes and sits in the car until it’s over. He then returns to escort her back to the car. Recently, instead of warm up she just started dancing & I thought ‘high five’ because warm up is a snore,

Then in the break she just kept dancing so I danced with her because there are too many breaks. After a minute a woman came and joined us so we danced until the instructor started again.

The lessons are:

1. if in decline and things are hard or confusing, just do the good bits.
2. If you keep doing something, even by yourself, the right people will find you.

Keep doing what you love as long as you love doing it.

"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance". — Alan Watts

And yes, the unrelated photos are the same photo but the first one is upside down. I am entertaining myself endlessly with this....(see here & here)

Linking with #WaterThursday (for the photos not the words)

Saturday 15 June 2024

“In nature, every distraction is an inspiration.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

I was visiting my sister in hospital, and we became distracted by a mother and daughter feeding the birds.

It was a sweet way for a parent to engage with her teenage child who was having a difficult time.

A simple way to enjoy being together without touching on any triggers.

Feeding the birds was also nourising their relationship.

Maybe we all need to think about how we feed our birds?

Linking with #AwwMondays #WildBirdWednesday #AwwMondays #GardenAffair #SaturdayCritters #NaturesNotes #HappyNow
JENerally Informed

Friday 14 June 2024

And just like that - Lights out!

VIVID is over for another year. I'm always a little sad when this day comes. I've spent a few weeks racing around seeing the displays, joining in the music and other evcnts. With friends, by myself, rushing to an area before a show, managing to squeeze as much in as possible. 

And now, it's over.

Now what, Sydney?

Until next year.... 

A note to visitors - VIVID is Sydney's Winter festival. It's outdoors and on the nights of the Drone show, it can get very crowded. I had no crowd issues on any of the nights I went, including a Saturday night (but in a different area to the drone show). Don't let the negative reports put you off. It's wonderful. There's plenty of food trucks and some of the prices were high but there's also all of Sydney's normal shops and restaurants too. The dates vary each year but it's well worth a visit if you are in the country at the time. 

Also the details of the film I mentioned in a previous post are here. It's called Nowhere to be and it's the expereince of 31 film makers in lockdowns around the world. Fascinating and well worth watching if you get a chance. The Australian premiere was at VIVID.