Newbies, put a 100 word story (exactly) or one less than 30 words in the comments, then add your blog in the link, so we can check out your verbose awesomeness).
She was sick of her husband always working. Fed up with the lonely nights. It was worse at Christmas, magnified by the fact he'd sleep most of Christmas Day, when he was done for the year and finally spending time with his family. There was nothing special for her in the festive season.
The handsome young intern caught her eye and smiled. That magical grin of his. He wasn't perfect, a little short, but had a certain impish charm. One day she might succumb. "You're hair looks nice today, Mrs Claus." She flushed with pleasure, then busied herself with lists.
Happy Christmas to you all, and if you need help with New Years Resolutions, look at this article for some ideas (it's the one I posted before with all the F words, not suitable for work but absolutely suitable for easy changes to habits that could save the planet)
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