Monday, 1 July 2019

Rocket Man

If you had asked me what my favourite Elton John songs were, I would have said Island Girl or Tiny Dancer but the morning after seeing the movie, I had Benny and the Jets in my head, so perhaps that is my subconscious favourite?

When I asked that question on Facebook, the diverse list of songs was long. I had to google some as I'd never even heard of them.

In the process, I stumbled across a new to me favourite.

It's been on high rotation ever since.

What is your favourite Elton John song? Were you a fan?

(As an aside, later in the year I will be selling tickets to the ICC concert on Monday 23 Dec in Sydney - if you're interested, I'm selling them for face value, no mark up. Just incase you want to go to the ICC not the bigger venue. Email if interested, can't sell yet as tickets have not been sent by Ticketek - just fyi at this stage. But no need to worry about being legit. I'm going on the Saturday now!)

Linking with

My other new fav which I somehow missed when it came out is Ghetto Gospel - a Tupac song that samples Elton's Indian Sunset. The rolling piano works so well with the beat. Beautiful song but very distressing film clip.


  1. I grew up with Elton and it is impossible to choose just one of his songs as a favorite. They are buried deep within my childhood.

    1. It was really interesing the list people put up. I thought I knew all his work because I too, grew up along with him. But know. There were all these 'favourites' I'd never heard before.
