Friday 1 January 2021


I had to write my Furious Fiction entry in 24 hours as I'd have no access to my laptop on Sunday. I looked at the story requirements, the words that must be used and the action that must happen, and was stumped. I wasn't concerned by this, as it often takes some time for the pieces to fall into place.

I woke this morning and still nothing. I was beginning to get a little worried. Not the slightest idea.

I was listening to The Queen's Gambit as I walked around the lake. Suddenly, as engrossed as I'd been in the novel, I realised I wasn't listening to the words. It actually took me by surprise.

A woman had intruded into my thoughts. A woman with a story to tell that happened to have all the set words and requirements to fulfil the Furious Fiction criteria.

I switched off Audible and walked home as fast as I could to get the words down. Trying to edit the story down to under 500 words in my head as I frenetically strode.

This is what I love most about writing. This 'intrusion'. The moment when a character arrives out of nowhere and enchants you. The invigorating urgency to get the words onto paper, in case it is a fleeting visit and the character takes their story away with them. I love that they have chosen me to tell their story to. For a brief while it is all I can think about, and it will distract me from any other task at hand. 

So this week, I am loving intrusions and the joy of writing.

Linking with #FortheloveofBlog


  1. I'd love to have that sort of creativity popping up in my head Lydia - well done and good luck with the editing. :)

  2. I love that you're entering the Furious Fiction as I keep saying I will and don't!

    I'm a bit like that with blog posts - feel like I've got nothing and then suddenly my mind becomes filled with something! (Usually something inane that only I will care about.... but still...)

  3. I think it's great you enter FF so regularly. I've entered once. I need to do it more often. And don't you just love how the writing brain works?!

  4. I did wonder why you were back I know why! Love this. Enjoy Sydney summer, it really is turning it on. Denyse

  5. Aw how amazing - I wish I was that creative! :) #KCACOLS

  6. I woke up this morning with a sentence in my head, and it was the start of a book I'm writing...well done you! cheers #KCACOLS

  7. I love it when moments like this happen, it's been a while since I've done any creative writing.

    Katrina x

  8. The welcome kind of intrusion. :)

  9. I love how youre creativity works!

  10. I love this description of that part of the creative process of storywriting! Hope she stayed with you! x #KCACOLS

  11. Awwww I love this. I don't write about characters and fiction, but the same thing often happens to me with blog posts and strategies of how to progress with a challenge. I'm normally listening to a podcast and then realise I have totally tuned out. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.

  12. I would love to do some creative writing one day x x #KCACOLS

  13. What a fascinating insight into your writing process! #KCACOLS

  14. Finding the time to write is so hard in our house at the moment - hats off to you! #KCACOLS

  15. For a moment I thought you were talking about intrusive thoughts! Which in a way I guess these intrusions are, but in a positive way. I constantly have instrusions about things I want to write about...they are often where the magic happens. Thanks for linking up to #ForTheLoveofBlog
