Friday 25 April 2014

Second star to the right, then straight on till morning.

I woke from my uncomfortable slumber to see this:

The photo does no justice but it was truly awe inspiring to watch the sun come up at 39,000 ft. I watched the great ball rise up then promptly shut the blind and went back to sleep.

The world is an amazing place.

Some times the simplest things have the greatest impact and sometimes it's the incidental moments that make you realise how lucky you are.

Wishing magical moments, large and small, to you all.

Linking up  with #FavouriteFotos. I just really like this pic, even tho 'technically' it isn't the best.


  1. So lovely to take time to notice earth's beauty, isn't it? Lovely photo :)

    PS. I can never sleep on planes!

  2. What an amazing and beautiful sight to be awake for xx

  3. So nice to recognise the little moments of beauty.

  4. It's beautiful what you see whilst in the air, you were lucky to get a shot of it :)

  5. WOW ! What a fantastic photo.
    Me xox

  6. I absolutely agree with you. The world is an amazing place.
    All the best, Traude
