Monday 16 March 2015

First of the Month Fiction - April

I'm off on a long jaunt and won't be online much at all (maybe a few pretty beach scenes on Twitter) so shutting up shop until late April.

Feel free to add your short story over the next month. Either 100 words exactly or one less than 30 words. Examples here.

Mine is less than 30.

 She had aged badly, a barely recognisable shadow of her former self. But she was loved all the more for it. A sign of a good life, well lived.

(based on this:

The spare replacement is not loved at all. My wee girl informed me that 'some people think new things were better but they aren't!'. A lesson for all those going through a midlife crises!)

Enjoy the school holidays everyone, and see you on the flip side!

Linking up with #AwwMondays, just for the photo. That much loved doll makes me go Aww. It was such a beautiful love my little one had for it....Long time ago now!


  1. I bought my youngest a new cuddly as well. The exact same as her old one, but she won't have a bar of it. She knows the difference. There's no pulling the wool over her eyes. I love that you based your story on this. Enjoy your break. Make sure you tell us all about it when you get back #teamIBOT

  2. Love this, reminds me of the velveteen rabbit! Have a great break!

  3. Enjoy your holiday Lydia! And I love your fiction for this month too - very true x

  4. Here goes:

    Stuck in a tight space. Air. No air. Gasping. Chest heaving unable to fill or collapse. Darkness, the dark that only comes when the light is too far in the distance. Echo. The echo of voices, footsteps, people, panic. Dim, the room falls dim, the tight space feels safe. “Are you ok?” Eyes stay closed. No flutter, no response. Hands over ears. Block, block it all out. Stay in the tight space. Keep everyone out of the tight space. The tight space is safe.
    A voice “he is having another anxiety attack.” Another voice “what shall we do?”
    Stay here.

    Enjoy your break lovely, the disconnect sounds perfect xx

    1. Great atmosphere - that removed feeling (from the inside)

  5. We have two spares and they are rejected overtime for the 'nice' one.


    She had never understood her father's insistence on boys being evil. After all, he was a boy and there wasn't anything even slightly sinister about him.
    But that was before Ewan.

    It's 31 words. Don't hate me. :)

    1. That's the start of a novel right there! Excellent so I'll approve that additional word!

  6. Have a fabulous holiday and a well deserved break!!

  7. Ha ha ha love this. My poppet lost her "baby". The only replacement that would comfort her was wet rags. Weird right?
    Have a fabulous trip x

  8. Enjoy your amazing long, relaxing and refreshing time away. Nothing nicer than a real break from life...

  9. Lovely vignette.
    Enjoy your hiatus :)
    Dani x

  10. Ciao lovely - I adore how you can just go and enjoy things. I often wish my work wasn't based around the bloody computer! x

  11. I hope you are having an awesome break!

  12. How lovely! potential opening for a novel, me thinks! Enjoy your break x

  13. That's why I love buying my son toys at lifeline for $2! Have a great break.

  14. I had a doll that I loved just this much. You made me say awww.

    Enjoy your summer.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥
