Tuesday 14 July 2015

The enchantment of snow

A very quick Thankful Thursday for me. We went up to the mountains for the weekend, and as luck would have it, it unexpectedly snowed. It was so exciting and
magical, probably more so for me than the kids.

I am thankful I am not so jaded to lose that feeling of gleeful excitement and I'm glad there can still be so much delight in nature. I hope I never cease to see all the wonder in things the world has to offer, fleeting as it may be.

Lastly, a little wisdom - "Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together".  Remember we can make a difference.

Linking with #ThankfulThursday #LittleThingsThursday


  1. OH jealous! I was 35 before I first saw snow - I still think it's magical!

  2. I have seen so many friends with snow in their FB posts. I was in Orange Friday and missed it by that much.
    I went to the snow last July. It was blissful.

  3. That's a beautiful photo and the snowflake quote is lovely

  4. Snow is so beautiful when it's falling but after that I am not a fan. Cold, wet, slippery!! My kids were still babies when we lived in the UK and it snowed every winter so they don't remember anything. If they saw snow now they would be ecstatic!!

  5. That is a wonderful quote I do love it a lot. What a super thing to be thankful for as well. My girls desperately want to see snow. Thank you so much for joining in with #thankfulthursday xx

  6. Love you note of wisdom! Yes love the snow but as someone said to me yesterday - it is 6 weeks until Spring. Bring it on!

  7. Nawww great pictures and quote!

  8. Stunning. I've never seen snow in person! I love that quote too. A lovely message :)

  9. I like snow when I'm inside looking out at it. Gorgeously romantic pics Lydia.

  10. I wish it was snowing here!!! That snowflake quote is perfect.

  11. I would love to see snow again. I saw it once in the snowy mountains when I was small and again in Europe when I was 14 but I would love to experience it as an adult too. I would also love to show the kids - I truly believe it would be magical!

  12. Oh how incredible! My 3 year old is obsessed with snow (thank you Peppa Pig Christmas episode) so I was quite tempted to get in the car and drive to find some last week! Gorgeous pics here :)

  13. I absolutely adore snow!!! When I see it, play in it, let it fall on me, I am just overcome with happiness. I'm kicking myself that I didn't take the 3 hour drive last week when it fell in Stanthorpe. Ah well, at least I have seen snow in my life, many haven't.

  14. I grew up in an area with a lot of snow and I miss that as an adult. I could use some cooling right now :) Thank you for linking up.
