Monday 8 August 2016

When stars align part 2

Following up from last week's post, I just wanted to share a brief outcome. We Lux'ed, we laughed, we caught plenty of Pokemon roaming the streets after dark and got roast duck in the food court (their favourite but where the rest of the family never wants to eat).

As we returned home, Didi (the made up name has already been reduced to a nickname) looked at me and smiled, announcing "I know it isn't, so this seems silly, but it feels like my birthday!".

My heart just melted. It really was a rare and missed occasion for him too.

How special are those rare moments with the middle child?!

Do you plan time alone with you kids individually? We don't, but I'm beginning to think we should.

Lnking with #MummyMondays #KCACOLS


  1. We don't on purpose but it's great when it happens and we really could do with making more plans for it.

  2. I'm so glad that he enjoyed it so much - it makes it worthwhile when you know it's appreciated. Here's to some more 'middle child dates' for the three of you xox

  3. We don't but maybe we should as well :)

  4. I use to try and organise one on one time with each of my three girls weekly when they were younger. Now they are older and have lives of their own, it doesn't happen that often but I like to make a meal of it, so to speak, when it does.

  5. That is so sweet. Special moments for you both. Denyse #teamIBOT

  6. Awesome. that is so great you had a great time.

  7. Oh yay!!! that comment about feeling like it was his birthday - heart melt :) I try to spend one-on-one time with the boys, it doesn't happen very often but I can see how much they (and I) treasure it when we do sneak in those moments - loved this Lydia xx

  8. Oh I'm pleased there was a sequel! I couldn't help but smile when I read this - here's to more "middling" and magic moments!

  9. we only have one bubba so no problems here at the mo! #KCACOLS

  10. That's very sweet and I'm glad you got that time with your middle son. We only have 2 so it's easier for us to find time to spend alone with each of them. We take turns with mummy or daddy taking out one of the other. I really value that time, especially with my eldest, 4, who is getting to be really good company now! - The Mum Reviews #KCACOLS

  11. What a special moment. I only have one child but growing up I was the middle one. It's hard being in the middle! xx

    Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

  12. Oh that was such a lovely thing for him to say! So glad you had a good day together! x #KCACOLS

  13. We used to plan time separately but now they are getting a bit older we can start doing more things together. My eldest does ask for more mummy time bough which makes me sad. #KCACOLS
