Wednesday, 11 August 2021



We are wanting to watch Robert Altman's Short Cuts, but can't find it anywhere to stream and are having trouble even finding a DVD of it. Strange.

So we will have to settle with Magnolia which has nothing to do with Robert Altman but for some reason gets mixed up in my head with him.(Probably because ti's long, has a number of storylines entwining and lots of stars).

Which brings me to this Amiee Mann version of One, which now automatically makes me think of Magnolia, even though I was familiar with the song for decades before the movie came out.

Strange how the mind cements things together, whether they should be or not.

What movies can you recommend at the moment? New or old.

Linking with #BlueMonday 

 Welcome to the #Allseasons link up.

1. All Seasons is open from Sunday through Wednesday 5pm, Sydney Time. 

2. Please link one  'seasonal' post a week. 
3. Make sure you link back to this  #AllSeasons post.
4. Please comment on the post before yours. Don't dump and run.


  1. Pretty blossoms. Spring right around the corner for some and others are waiting for fall.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. Hello Lydia, saw you on DND! Magnolica are such beautiful and dreamy flowers! Emille (former: Jesh!)

  3. Beautiful magnolia photos! I watch movies very seldom nowadays, read instead. Just listened as audiobook Sir David Attenborough telling about the state of our planet.

  4. You are evolving rapidly ;) It's hard to keep track of you at the moment!

  5. Hey Lydia, you should consider opening All Seasons earlier. You would get more bloggers involved.

  6. The Magnolias are colorful but the song in rather morose.

  7. Our magnolias are in bloom here in Melbourne also, Lydia. A consolation for yet another lockdown. This too will pass...

  8. Thank you for hosting, Lydia, it is greatly appreciated.

  9. Beautiful magnolia flowers! I really enjoyed Short Cuts, would definitely be happy to watch it again. I saw Aimee Mann in concert years ago, excellent!

  10. Beautiful flowers...I am not a huge movie watcher and usually see them years after they are out....Michelle

  11. The pinks against the blue sky is lovely.
