Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Sale season

In Australia, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving (unless you have American connections) but we do Black Friday in a major, major way. It starts with Singles Day (a sale on the 11/11 which I think came from some of the countries in Asia), then we have 3 weeks of Black Friday sales for some reason, then actual Black Friday sale and then 3 days of Cyber Monday sales and then apparently, this year, on the Tuesday following Cyber Monday is Cyber Week Sales!

Even with our cost of living crisis, apparently Australians have been saving up to spend in the sales and it is forecast we will spend $6.7 billion in four days from actual black Friday to close of Cyber Monday.

I am beginning to this November is the weirdest month in Australia.

#Allseasons linky runs from Thursday to Wednesday each week.

Link one post that shows something seasonal. Traditional weather wise, a seasonal nature marker or a seasonal celebration. 

Make sure you link back to this  #AllSeasons post. 

Please comment on the post before yours and the host. Don't dump and run.


  1. I do not do Black Friday shopping! The store decorations are pretty.
    Take care, enjoy your and the week ahead.

  2. Yes it's the same here in NZ, black Friday at my work has only just finished after a week of sales.

  3. Hey, just letting you know I did comment - as above ^

    1. oh, sorry. Odd. It wasn't there at first. My blogger is getting weirder and weirder (sometimes it shows back end but not on the page. I've not been looking at the back end of late...)

  4. Sale every season....the after christmas sale will start soon here. But we had also Black Friday...and black week....and starting with October you could hear the christmas advertising with ho ho ho ...in the radio.
    Have a good time and all the best

  5. I'm all saled out. I don't want to hear about another sale whatever its name and whatever its colour! It's funny how the one holiday I really enjoyed when visiting the USA, Thanksgiving, has not travelled to many other places around the world. Not a holiday that is very commercial - hence the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales... Thanks for hosting, Lydia. Enjoy the week

  6. I am not a shopping person. Always glad when this season is over. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
