Thursday 31 January 2019

Share my Snaps - Summer Break

We had a pretty fabulous January - we went on a romanitc trip to Bora Bora for our twentieth wedding anniversary and then as a family went to Koh Samui and Koh Phangan.

We also squeezed in a really fun afternoon and evening in Singapore, as we transited.

Singapore - where even the airport is fun!

We also got unexpectedly offloaded in Auckland, so I've now been to New Zealand as well.

I swam with sharks (plenty of them) and both Stingrays and the majestic Mantas. A highlight was a shark playing with me on the paddle board, swimming along side and then in front of me, chasing fish into shore. Alas she left before I could grab my camera.

I saw plenty of sunrises and sunsets, both of which elate me.

I managed to squeeze in two shows for the Festival of Sydney and Field Day (As a mum and non-drug user, PLEASE start pill testing!!)  and George Ezra.

So my January will be pretty hard for me to beat...but lets see what I can do, shall we?

Not a bad airport view!

Linking with#TravelTuesday
See more on Insta or read the details on the travel blog.


  1. Happy Anniversary - you certainly celebrated in style! Start the year as you mean to go on, that's what I say!

  2. Wow, what a great January you had. It will be very hard to beat!! I always enjoy Singapore airport, so much to see and do. Happy anniversary and you certainly celebrated in style! #lifethisweek

  3. You had me at Bora Bora! What a fabulous January, Lydia!

    SSG xxx

  4. Oh my goodness that was a January to remember. Such amazing photos from an unforgettable travel month. #GlobalBlogging

  5. Happy anniversary, looks like you had a fantastic break #globalblogging@_karendennis

  6. Wow that is a fabulous adventure - happy anniversary!

  7. Now that's what I call a celebration.

  8. Congratulations on your anniversary and I am so jealous of the beautiful blue sea and beaches. I’d swap that for a day on Leiden 😉

    1. And yet, when my husband chose Tahiti my first thought was 'I'd rather go to Iceland!' but there you go. Beauty (and adventure) is in the eye of the beholder!

  9. So very beautiful! And happy anniversary.

  10. What a lovely month and how beautiful is the sunset. Happy anniversary X #pointshoot

  11. wow so many beautiful photos. I love all the warm you have captured. Happy anniversary. The moon one is my favourite xx #pointshoot

  12. NOW I know the why of the Tahiti trip! Congratulations. I do love seeing your holidays snaps - especially when you give me an idea of where!!1

    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek , the optional prompt next week 6/51 is "the worst gift I have received". Denyse

    1. Got my own optional prompt wrong: My Worst Purchase!

    2. Hehehe - are you having a go at my exceptional Instagram skills???

  13. Wow! That sounds and looks like an amazing trip.

  14. How brave you are to swim with sharks and what an amazing adventure you have had, truly wonderful.

  15. Great shots of these wonderfully exotic places, Lydia! I wish you many many more happy anniversaries.
    Thank you for taking part in the Travel Tuesday meme.

  16. Really charming and inviting images!

  17. What a great vacation you had!! Thanks for sharing some of it with us!! Swimming with sharks sounds thrilling!!

  18. Love the view of that bridge! Two of my study friends were from Singapore - from what they told me, everything in that country is high-performance:)

    1. You have no idea! When we were there, there was a headline on the front page of the newspaper about the trains and I thought there must have been a crash with fatalities but one was 10 minutes late because of a tech issue and they had to hand out notes at the station for people to give to work (which they could do immediately!). A slightly late train was so shocking and horrifying that it was the lead story!

  19. I like #11 the best. Fantastic pastel hues and silhouettes.

  20. Bora Bora looks just incredible! Thanks for sharing your travels with us.

  21. What fabulous trips you took.

    Visting from Skywatch Friday!

    Worth a Thousand Words

  22. a wonderful place for a summer break

  23. Amazing images and summer break, wow, thanks for sharing.
    I visited you via TRAVEL TUESDAY 422 - ECHUCA, AUSTRALIA
    I linked up this week with = 10. This is a personal invite to come and join us at #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday - Saturday.

  24. Beautiful photos! I bet this was an unforgettable vacation. Did you ever went back to these places?

    1. Actually, I go to Singapore a lot and we are back in Tahiti this year but a different swim with whales!
