Wednesday 28 August 2019

Taking Stock - August

Last blog post until mid September. Will be offline completely as I'm not sure what web works and doesn't in China.
So going early for the Taking Stock post.

Cooking : Marley Spoon vegetarian meals. They had $35 off, so for a bargain I re-signed. As usual, the vegetarian isn't around to eat any of it, so I become vegetarian for the week...which is why I cancelled it in the first place....


Sipping : Negronis and other cocktails....
Reading : Trying to read A gentleman in Moscow, and guide books on Norway while I sort out the trip.
Listening :Sigala  - dancing in the mornings is energising my day.

Buying: A father's day present for the man who has everything. Tough work!
Watching: 8 Days on SBS. I just loved it! Best thing I've watched in ages - still thinking about it. And The Boys on Amazon Prime, I think. A little like Watchmen, but corporate flunky superheroes and a lot of toxic masculinity - it's deeper than it appears, covering that casual dismissiveness and belittling that women have to shrug off on a regular basis. 
Hoping: Jon Ronson writes another book soon. Just about finished Men who Stare at Goats, and now have no Ronson books left to read!!! Also hoping they'll do a second season of 8 Days, because I'm not ready to let that go....
Trying: To exercise each day.
Wondering: How am I getting worse tickets on presale than if I wait 15 mins and buy more tickets later? Why is my Insiders membership getting me seats up the back instead of up the front like it used to? 
Sorting: All the stuff we no longer need - so much stuff!

Getting: A little nervous about the culture shock of the trip to China. Not being able to read signs or speak the language will add to the adventure. My attempts at learning Mandarin have failed miserably.
Saving: The environment, or trying to damage it less. Though I realise I need to do a lot to undo the pending air travel next week....
Opening: Bills. 
Feeling: Lots of emotions about leaving the kids for so long. There is a lot going on for us at the moment so it's not great timing. Excited about having a break though, as it's a very rare occurance for me. Very excited about the marvels of history I'm about to see though.
Obsessing: Over Finland, still. An Australian, Jinja Assassin (Alex Roberts) came in second at the World Air Guitar Championships on the weekend...gotta love those Finns and their world view! (and they also just pipped our new Green Square Library to take out the title of Best Library in the World).
Wishing: You all a very happy few weeks! 
Not relevant to anything. Just like the picture.

Linking with #TforTuesday just for the pics


  1. I'm envious. I don't feel like I can drink very much. I'm on a ton of Aspirin. Let's hope I don't get a brain bleed. Ekk! I'm allergic to Ibuprofen. They want to give me that to treat my asthma, to reduce inflammation. Because Aspirin thins the blood I don't think it's a good idea to drink a lot.

    1. No, that sounds like a sensible decision!! Good luck with the asthma!

  2. Wishing you a very happy holiday. Looking forward to your posts on your return. It really sounds like it will be a fascinating trip.

  3. Have a fantastic holiday! Take heaps of photos and I look forward to seeing them and hearing about your trip when you get back.

  4. Once you are on the plane, breathe out and you will feel any guilt at being away.....go whooooosh. Time for you!! The person who has given time for many. Have a wonderful time. See you when you are back...Denyse x

  5. Can't wait to here about China! And, how were the Marley Spoon meals?

    SSG xxx

    1. Good but would perfer it if the vegetarian ate them...

  6. What a fabulous vacation you have planned. I'm in awe of your trip to China.

    I had never heard of Marley Spoon before, but I thought their prices were outlandish, especially shipping. I'm a vegetarian, so my interest was piqued when I read about your vegetarian meals. At least you got a bargain on the meals with this sale.

    Although I'm not a drinker of alcohol, your cocktail looks beautiful and healthy. And it's a great addition for T Tuesday, too.

    Sounds like your Insider tickets are not helping for this trip. I would never be able to learn Mandarin, but I applaud you for trying.

    I also LOVED those last bottles. They would also apply for T this Tuesday, too, Lydia. Thanks for joining us for T and I wish you luck on your trip to China. I look forward to photos.

  7. Looks fabulous and those cocktails look yummy 😊. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x
