Thursday, 20 March 2025

Share Four Somethings - March

Something I loved At lunch, a friend suggested we walk back to the house, an hour away (only 4kms, so not far). I initially said no. Then I said yes but in my head thought it would be too hot and it was a stupid thing to do but I would be a 'team player'. How wrong was I? It was the highlight of the weekend for me. Stunningly beautiful, and she is always good company. It was just that really lovely, relaxed fun. Chicken soup for the soul as they say, So the moral is, as I've written before, not to default to NO.

It's an oldie but a goodie that's made it's way back into my playlist. Loving this song again!

Something I learned Baby corn is just unpollinated corn. Gardeners correct me if I'm wrong but basically the ear of corn is female and the silk threads at the end are male, so you harvest the corn before the silks appear (or just as they appear). Wild, huh? Who knew?

Something that went well I went on a weekend away and one woman was so rude to another, I was really shocked. I immediately made a comment that the rudeness was actually aimed at me, even though it was being said to her and it made her laugh. I was thinking I had playfully made the first woman check her tone but then she unbelievably did it a second time. So I spoke up again. I did make the target smile and feel better, and at least know someone had her back but she was obviously hurt and we were both uncomfortable. We are far too old to behave like that. Even if you don't like someone, on a group weekend you suck it up. Surely the goal is to make everyone welcome? It's a big group so you can pretty much avoid anyone you need to. It really tarnished what could have been an overall lovely day for me and question what I was doing there, because that is not my type of vibe at all. I am putting it down to the speaker having a bad day, and it just coming out wrong, as we all have those moments. I am however now wary.

Something I let go of  This one I need to work on. There was more fall out from that weekend and I honestly wish I hadn't gone. I am so close to saying things I can't walk back from so am just keeping my mouth shut, and not bring past baggage with that group into play. I have to see one of them next week and I really don't want to, but it's too petty if I fail to show. This is not appropriate for an adult and I'm not proud of this at all. I am glad I have a fun weekend planned with other friends, and really glad I'm seeing those pals that have my back next week. I hope in a few days I've moved on. I'm a little ashamed that I'm still carrying it. That says more about me than them, and it is not good. 

Linking with #ShareFourSomethings #TrafficJamreboot

The moon was up on my morning walk. Photos are from the walk after lunch and my sunrise walk.

1 comment:

  1. All of your beach photos are beautiful! That walk sounds like a good thing to have said yes to. I'm sorry to hear the girl's weekend didn't go so well.
