Sunday 18 May 2014

Cause for celebration...

On the weekend, we had a party - it was dress up and the invite was along that theme. A number of people rang to ask if it was for a birthday, or what the reason was for the party? No reason, just for fun.

One the night of the party, more people asked why we had the party? A friend even gave me a birthday present! I pointed out it wasn't my birthday and she said "oh, well, here's a present anyway". 

Is this because at my old decrepit age, no one has parties anymore? Or do people not have parties for no reason? We do Halloween and Christmas parties, but this is the first in a long time, just because I wanted to.

My ten year old asked if he could have a party for no reason - I said "Sure, when you're an adult" because kids really only do have a party if there's something to celebrate.

Is it really that odd? And if so, when did we stop having parties? And why did we stop?

As I discussed in this post a while back, maybe we should get in the habit of just celebrating 'another day of life'.

Linking this old post with Tell us about Celebration.


  1. Oh congratulations on the views and it is all relative you know so don't give a second thought to the numbers of what others might be getting. I tell myself that all the time!

    I love the idea of a party just for the sake of partying. Not done nearly enough these days.

  2. Congratulations on the views, that's fantastic! And you are right about parties, we don't need a reason to celebrate!

  3. So many things to comment on here! Congrats on the views!! I am trying so hard to not look at my numbers - so these sound absolutely awesome to me - well done! A huge hooray for the party - I remember reading about it a while back - I am throwing another party in a few weeks time and I am so much more relaxed and casual about this one ;) AND driving to work this morning I was trying to think about first of the month fiction...I'll be there :)

  4. Have I been living under a rock?! I had no idea about Weekend Notes. It looks awesome. Well done you. I have just subscribed. Those views sound awesome too and definitely something to be proud of. I used to have loads of parties back in the day and then came kids. I think we should definitely start them up again.

  5. Congrats on your bloggy achievements.
    We don't have parties for no reason anymore. For no reason ... other than, without a reason ... it's just another reason I would feel stressed by fitting too much into my already busy life. Not really a reason ...
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

  6. I just cracked 50000 views too :)
    Yay for your 2nd anniversary!
    Now I want to have a party for no reason.

  7. Now I'm wondering when did we stop having parties for no reasons? Maybe after high school or after uni days?

    1. And well done on your page views. That is an awesome achievement!

  8. We held our first adult party in years just prior to christmas but I do miss the days when we just had people over for no reason. Why don't we do that anymore? I don't want to be old and no fun... And a big congrats for your pageviews and your upcoming blogoversary!!!

  9. Lydia, we turn 2 on almost the same day, but your views are about a million times more than mine! Huge congratulations!!
    I'm turning 50 tomorrow, but don't know if it's cause for celebration.....EEEK!!

  10. Yes you are right about parties, in fact I am considering hosting a mid-winter one in a few weeks - if I can be bothered! Yay for big numbers and 2 year anniversary, congrats - Em - also visiting as part of #teamIBOT

  11. I can't remember the last time we had a "party"...I'm not sure we ever have, actually!! Maybe we should have one...I was thinking about having a birthday party this year but it's not a "big" one and we can't really afford it. I think the older you are the more expensive parties get and that's why you stop having them! -Aroha

  12. I miss parties for the sake of it. In the town that my parents lived in when I was younger we used to have them all of the time. The kids would run ragged, be black from playing in the dirt and the adults would let us stay up way past our bedtime. I've given up on having BBQs because no one turns up. Last one I had, around 10 people turned up but most of them ate before they came (the BBQ was at 7!) and so it defeated the purpose! At least Paul and I had plenty of left overs for the next few days.

  13. Congratulations on the blog! And yes, I'm with you. We should be a little bit more spontaneous and whimsical in our busy lives.

  14. We often have late bbqs that turn into parties for no real reason... They're always the best kind. Cogratulations on your blogging success and thanks so much for linking with The Lounge week after week. You'll have to host a linky for us soon. X

  15. Congrats on all your views and hope you have a great celebration. I'm not really into parties, especially fancy dress ones. And I really hate organising parties. I suppose I'm going to have to used to the idea, when my boys are 18 and 21 I'm sure they'll want parties.

  16. Congrats on your blogging milestones and how wonderful you have the energy to have a party, "just because". I sure hope to reach that heady stage one day!

  17. I love having parties for no reason, and pre-kids Dave and I had a lot of them after buying our house. Any excuse would do, and even no excuse at all! I wish that we could still have parties the way we used to, but at this point in time, with all of our group of friends firmly in the baby-making or young children stage it might be a few more years before we can take it back up. But just you wait, we are gonna be throwing the most awesome parties ever thrown by 40-somethings ever!

    Thanks for linking up today!

  18. There's always a reason to celebrate if we look for it. Having a party because we are alive is a very good reason! You've reminded me to do this more often. x

  19. Congrats! I think you should throw a party to celebrate your stats! There's a reason!

    I like the idea of having parties for no reason. The closest I've come is a Eurovision party. But really, what better reason is there?!

  20. I love your causes for celebration!! Congrats for all of them. I have not attended a party where there hasn't been a party bag at the end of it for years, lack of babysitters really sux sometimes!!

  21. You are right Lydia, people don't have parties for the sake of a party anymore. We need to change that I think! I'm all for celebrating another day of life and love - to me it's the little things that should be celebrated and maybe celebrate for no reason at all. x

  22. So true Lydia, we need to just celebrate another day sometimes!
