Sunday 4 May 2014

My Home Town - Sydney

In case you haven't worked it out yet, I love to travel. There are so many amazing places to visit in this world of ours, and I want to see them all. I've mentioned in the past my FOMO and midlife crisis when I realised a trip now came at the cost of not seeing somewhere else.

The flipside of this, however, is my contentment in where I live. Sydney is all things at once. A busy city, a bush escape, a graffiti laden street, an ocean view. Sydney is beaches and buildings. It's concerts and festivals.

Better yet, let me show you MY city.

This was on an adventure through suburbs unknown to me.

 A local park.

Even after all these years, I still get a buzz of excitement when I head to the Opera House.

 An ordinary sunset on an ordinary street holds beauty.
There is so much on offer if you stop to really look.

This is the drive to our regular BBQ haunt - still in Sydney but a world away from our inner city life.

From near or far, I still love Sydney's Harbour.

The amazing street art that adorns the streets makes a simple trip to the shops into an art exhibition. (I believe this is the exceptional work of the talented Linz, and please correct me if I'm wrong so I can give due credit)

Even getting caught in a traffic jam can bring a smile to my face.

So if I must stay put for the majority of my lifetime, I'm glad it's in this beautiful city. Ultimately, there's no place I'd rather be.

Linking up with #MuralMonday for the Linz 


  1. We are heading back to NSW this week for a quick trip and have a day in Sydney. I'm still trying to work out what might suit the entire family, having done most of the touristy type attractions before we left.

  2. Oh wow, all this time I never knew you lived in Sydney! We love it here, I can't think of a better place to adopt as home. But man, it's gotten so cold all of a sudden!

  3. Sydney really is a beautiful city. I probably don't make the most of living here. However, my only beef is with the price of houses and cost of living. We'll always be stuck in the western suburbs, nowhere near a beach unless we move out of Sydney. Sigh.

  4. Yes I loved living in Sydney, for only two years, but it was without kids so I got to see lots of it. It is so diverse and has a little bit of everything!

  5. I was overseas recently and people kept telling me that Sydney is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I think a lot of Australians take Sydney for granted - and, in the case of us non-NSWers living in harbourless cities, unfairly throw off it.

  6. I wouldn't like to live in Sydney myself, but I do love visiting. The bridge always makes me feel so patriotic.It is stunning. And those curves of the opera house. It really is a beautiful city. I do love wandering its streets.

  7. I love Sydney - it has so much to see and do. It has a vibrancy that is intoxicating - I really do enjoy my visits there!

  8. Paul is originally from Sydney and I love hearing his stories of growing up there and starting his family.

  9. I am probably due for another visit to Sydney...but for me I couldn't imagine living anywhere but Melbourne. Also love having a great city, close to bush, ocean, mountains and countryside....pretty lucky to live anywhere in this country I think.

  10. I don't live in Sydney, but as a proud Australian, I just LOVE flying into Sydney and seeing the opera house and harbour from the air - there's nothing like it!

  11. I love the city. I still act like a tourist whenever we go there!!
    Loved all these pictures.

  12. I can't even begin to imagine what it would have been like to grow up in a capital city but I do love visiting them am not sure I could ever live in one! Lovely pics

  13. I was just admiring the older train station tiling myself this weekend. I don't think that feeling in my heart when I see the Opera House will ever fade away.

    SSG xxx

  14. I haven't lived in my home town of Sydney for 30 years so thank you for the memories. I saw the photo of Museum and new it was Sydney! The harbour and Sydney Opera House will always bring a lump to my throat when I see them. Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond.

  15. It's a special city alright..and even though I wasn't born there, I lived there from 1959-1970 and then from 1978-2015. I always love your pics from Sydney! Thanks for sharing as part of #lifethisweek3/52 Denyse

  16. I too get a buzz at the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Especially on a blue, blue day.

  17. Very beautiful! I've always wanted to visit Sydney!

  18. Now I'm dying to know where your BBQ haunt is!

  19. Sydney is a beautiful city! Thank you for the pictures :)


  20. Hope I can visit there some day! Teresa from NanaHood

  21. Hi,
    Beautiful much to see...thanks for sharing
    your city views...have a great day!

  22. My Mom loved it when she visited..People were so friendly...

  23. I have wanted to visit Sydney for years, but the cost of traveling to the other side of the world is too prohibitive for me. That is a wonderful mural and lovely photos of your city.

  24. The mural by Linz is beautiful. Sydney is quite a pretty city and you are right, the harbour and the Sydney Opera House are really special. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  25. Sydney is a lovely city! I was fortunate to visit Sydney some years ago along with my husband as he was on a business trip. While he worked i toured the city on the "Hop On, Hop Off" bus. I also took the ferry one day across the bay to see Taronga Zoo..

  26. Oh Lydia, my home town was Sydney too! I spent the first 31 years of my life there and I'm heading back next week for a quick visit. Thank you for the photos and memories they evoke for me. You can take the girl out of Sydney but you can't take Sydney out of the girl - that harbour!!!

  27. I hope to visit Australia one day, and Sydney is definitely on the list! I love the variety shown in your pics. Thanks for joining the challenge!

  28. You certainly are very fortunate to be able to call such a beautiful part of the world your home! I've never been to Australia but I'd love to get there one day...there and New Zealand!
    Suzy x

  29. This was a great post to reshare Lydia, thanks for joining us. Sydney has the best of all worlds!

    I also think I fixed whatever was wrong with my post so hopefully you can read it now.

  30. Wonderful Mural in a wonderful city. It was always my dream to visit Australia (and Sydney). I don't think it will happen as I don't fly

  31. Sydney is a beautiful city. lovely photos. that girl has such expressive face, incredible mural.

  32. Like me, I also long to retire soonest so I can hopefully travel more. But as you say our cities and countries have so much to delight us a well. My husband worked in Sydney for 2 year before Covid and I used to travel there every 2nd week and did a lot of sightseeing. It's a beautiful city and the harbour and Opera house are magnificent. But, I do prefer to live in a smaller and much cheaper city of Perth, which is also a beautiful city in other ways. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Lydia.
