Wednesday, 22 June 2016

“The view changes from where you are standing." Neil Gaiman

I was driving my teen back to school after an appointment (emergency orthodontist, but more on that later) and I saw these kids in mufti clothes going into a takeaway and asked "Are they from your school?" The teen looked at me, as only teens can, and said "Mum, they're like 30!". I countered 'No, they're not. 20 at the oldest!'. 'One of them was wrinkly' was the reply. 30 year olds are apparently considered wrinkly to a fresh young teen and 30 year olds are as youthful as schoolkids to an antiquated old broad like myself. Same people, two completely different perceptions.

We had three trips to the orthodontist in a week - the practice is 45 minutes from our house (don't ask). I'd been feeling very sorry for myself, all that driving, all that time wasted to repair something that had just been checked a few days before. However, I overheard this snippet of conversation and immediately realised my good fortune. 

"I can't believe you lost your plate in less than a week. You haven't even paid for it yet"
As I've discussed before, sometimes the secret to happiness is as simple as being in the right chair. Same scenario for us, but the view changes when put in a different perspective. Ours was just a hassle, and lost time (and $50). Theirs, a scary amount of money blown in less than a week.

It is worth remembering that we never really see the same thing as each other, because we are seeing it with different eyes. More importantly, sometimes we need to reframe how we see things in the first place.

It's a good reminder that if you don't like your view, you can shift position. It may be hard, but little by little it will make a difference.

Linking with #FavouriteFotos because I love the sky colours. It makes Sydney look so gentle and serene.


  1. So very true !! Sorry to hear about the extra trips back and forth - totally understand your frustrations. I used to feel that the time spent getting to and from somewhere was time wasted but the past few years I have tried to just appreciate and enjoy the journey. Sometimes I do and sometimes, not so much !!!
    Have the best day xox

  2. So true! And should it bother me that to teenagers I'm now wrinkly? lol!

  3. Oh dear, this doesn't bode well for me - I'm 36 in a month's time. Practically a senior citizen to a teenager I should think! And you're post is certainly food for thought. #StayClassyMama x

  4. So so true. Just not the wrinkly bit; )

  5. Right on the money - it's all about our perspective, and that's something we can change... if we want to! By the way, I'm definitely a senior citizen with plenty of (happy) wrinkles! :)

  6. That reminds me that I need to book some dental appointments for my boys. If 30 is wrinkly then I must look about 157.

  7. I AM wrinkly and should no longer wear my glasses when looking in the mirror!!

  8. oh gosh! Im wrinkly! lol - its true though, ones perspective is never the same as anothers, and we should actually be more aware of this as its easy to forget and just assume everyone sees things how we see them. #kcacols

  9. Oh the joys of orthodontics. Miss 19 had a plate, then braces. She is supposed to wear a retainer at night pretty much forever to keep them in place. I'm pretty sure she doesn't anymore and I can already see her teeth moving! Ah well. We did our bit as parents, now it's up to her!

  10. Fab reminder to keep an open mind and consider the fact that other people may see the world differently! x #KCACOLS

  11. Perspective is a very personal thing. It's not just about what you think you see but also the mindset you bring to your interpretation when you see it and when you reflect on it later. I'm contributing to a social skills program at the moment for kids on the spectrum and this is one of those concepts I'm trying to drive home. It's such a fascinating study yet so difficult to explain, describe and define!

  12. I remember back in the day when I thought 30 was seriously old. Now at 35, I know how old 30 really is. :)

  13. Yes I agree I think it is good to regularly challenge our perceptions. And being a 30 something myself I'm happy to read that is still considered young from some perspctives! #KCACOLS

  14. Ah great post with great reminders. POV is always important. Sorry about the trips and the fix. Hope all is well now. #KCACOLS

  15. I often get a question started from my 5 year old with 'mum in the olden days'... I am only mid 30's! My 11 year old thought i used to watch black and white TV and have a loo in my back garden! Er nope i'm not that old lol! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday x

  16. Such a great point! Perspective is subjective and relative! I remember thinking 30-somethings were ANCIENT as a child. Now I am a 30-something I don't feel any different to how I did at that age! #KCACOLS

  17. I saw one of our cadets coming out of the lift today and thought 'god he looks 12!' - he's 25 and has two children. Kids just keep getting younger ;)

  18. Most of the time I think the worst, and spend the rest of my energy telling myself not to! Well I can most definitely say my wrinkles manifested in my thirties, must have been all that frowning, or smiling depends how you look at it :)

  19. Oh yes, the perspective so true.

  20. I like your term 'reframing' I'm guilty sometimes of forming an opinion without thinking first. Thanks for the reminder to take a moment and see things from someone else's perspective. :)

  21. Yup! Nodded my way through this one :) I wouldn't want to be the kid who lost their plate, that's for sure. I can't tell how old people are just by looking. Everyone looks young to me.

  22. A good point made Lydia...! Thank you for linking up for #LifeThisWeek 47/52. Next Week: Today I will. Final Week for 2017: Christmas Plans.

  23. What a piano but very true words Z #twinklytuesday

  24. A great reminder!I remember being a teen and thinking 30 was really old, it seemed so far away. I'm 36 now and I guess young me would have considered me ancient! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  25. My sister only just told me last night she was taking her teen the orthodontist this afternoon (today) so it's funny to read about you taking your teen to the orthodontist too! I know how you feel about all the driving. I did quite a bit yesterday too - back and forth to visit my Mum. It's a 45 minute drive on a good traffic day. I know you probably get sick of your same view but wow it's a lovely view! Hope you have a good week ahead!

  26. Ah yes... I try to see things from another point of view. I can get too lost inside my own head and my own feelings at times but know I need to get some / a different perspective sometimes.

    Your lockdown view is quite lovely... (to someone not locked-down of course!)

  27. What a great way of looking at things Lydia! If you don't like the view, shift your position - love it :) #Lifethisweek

  28. Dear Lydia, is this a record? I have read and commented 3 times now...on this post. And your view from your place is quite similar to the one I had for 6 days and nights at Chris O'Brien Lifehouse in 2017. Thank you for sharing your post for this week's link up in Life This Week on Denyse Whelan Blogs. It's a lovely sharing place you've visited and added your post. I wish you well and next Monday, the link up is Share Your Snaps...but of course, any post, old or new, on/off prompts is most welcome. Denyse.
