Saturday 29 July 2017

A cup of tea is a excuse to share great thoughts with great minds - Christina Re

On Saturday my high tea season kicked off. I headed to the Calyx for High Tea amongst the flowers with my nieces. Dressed in my Alice finery, which Wonderland earings to boot, we settled in for some champagne, tea and of course conversation. We covered movies, book clubs, house prices (we are in Sydney after all) and parents not treating you like an adult (I had to defend the parents, because I am one). And my favourite topic of all, travel.

It was a lovely few hours sitting still and connecting. Then we went on our way and back to our separate weekends.

While it is not cheap, it's certainly a lovely way to catch up with friends for conversation. For a few hours it was easy to love life.

“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.” 
― Henry JamesThe Portrait of a Lady

Linking with #TforTuesday


  1. Wow those colours are beautiful

    Thank you for linking up

  2. I agree what beautiful blooms the first photo is amazing :-)

    Have a bloomintastic week ;-)

  3. I'd have loved to sit amongst the flowers

  4. Those flowers are indeed gorgeous! great place to have great tea..

  5. Such beautiful flowers and I love your quotes. Sounds like a lovely afternoon..

  6. Lovely flowers and the colors are beautiful. Enjoying time with family is the best way to spend a day. Have a great morning.

  7. Wow - love all those flowers!


  8. These flowers are beautiful.

  9. What a fabulous place for a cuppa! Kudos the the gardeners!

  10. Wow what amazing flowers, the colors are breath taking!!!

  11. These seems to be a paradise of Orchids.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening where you can share about plants and flowers here at

  12. Such beautiful flowers! I'm surprised at how many people that I know in Australia partake in 'high teas'. I had never heard of them outside of reading about 'high society' in the UK, so you can imagine my surprise when, just a few years ago, my friends in Australia started talking about them! The location of your high tea is amazing!

  13. I've never had a proper 'high tea' and am determined to do this as soon as I can. Your floral displays are delightful and your high tea sounds perfect!

  14. Organising a high Tea? Well, don't do it at Gunner Barracks as the kookaburra there swooped and took food from our table. That was ages ago but I still remember it well. For my 60th I held an all female High Tea at our local big hotel: young granddaughters to old friends, it was very special. Thanks so much for linking up for Life This Week #231. Glad to have you add your post as part of the community here. Next week. the optional prompt is Good. Hope to see you there. Denyse.

    1. OOOH, I like the Gunner's Barracks. Will keep that in the seagulls at the Opera Bar!!

  15. One of my most memorable experiences was High Tea at Kensington Palace. It is impossible to rush tea time, which is why I think it is a perfect way to end the day and transition to the evening.

    Visiting from #lifethisweek

    1. I think that's the charm of it. Not so much the food but it's a forced pause. That we plan and revel in, rather than rush.

  16. It is unbeliavable what you can create with plants! You had your High Tea in a fairytile setting. Wishing a lovely weekend, thank you for sharing.

  17. Wonderful and great plant wall - it's amazing,
    Greetings from Germany

  18. Simply gorgeous. Have a nice day.

  19. I agree this is a heaven for the floral world, Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.

  20. I love the high tea tradition of tiered plates with small pastries and savories on each tier. Gorgeous flowers.
    best, mae at

  21. What a fabulous way to enjoy high tea. I miss the two places that used to serve it here. Lack of interest and high prices closed both. You gave us a lovely day for high tea and a beautiful setting. Thanks for this incredible entry you shared with us for T this Tuesday, Lydia.

  22. What a fabulous place for High Tea. Happy T Day, Valerie

  23. Such beautiful flowers!
    Afternoon tea with all the trimmings is delightful. I was treated to one in Widsor, the last time I was in the UK. Enjoyed it thoroughly. A very soecial occasion.

  24. Sigh, what a wonderful atmosphere in the midst of all those beautifully styled plants. And speaking of beautifully styled: I would have loved to see you in your Alice finery which Wonderland earrings - that was certainly super chic! It sounds like a very pleasant afternoon with your nieces.
    Hugs, all the best and happy T-Day, Traude

  25. Those flowers are vibrant! So beautiful!!!!

  26. High tea is a wonderful experience. The flowers are just gorgeous. Happy T Day
